Hamburger Icon

16 CSS Hamburger Icons (Demo + Code)

CSS Hamburger Icons

Welcome to Codewithrandom with a new blog today we’ll see how to make CSS Hamburger Icons. Here is the Latest Collection of free CSS Hamburger Icons With Source Code. Last update of the April 2023 collection. 4 New Hamburger Icons added to the collection.

Let’s first understand what actually hamburger is in HTML.

A website’s navigation links can be shown using a hamburger menu, typically for mobile devices and screens with reduced resolutions. However, PC websites can also employ CSS hamburger menus. When you select the “hamburger” icon, a sliding menu will show up above the primary content.

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They are also employed when your header navigation bar contains an excessive number of buttons and links. You may condense all of this into a more scalable menu design using a responsive hamburger menu, resulting in a small menu, ideal for websites with single pages and sticky navbars.

Now we will see 15 different ways of implementing hamburger icons creatively on our web page.

 1. CSS Animated hamburger icon

Code by-Jacob Morgan
Demo and DownloadClick here for the code
Language usedHtml, CSS, JavaScript
External links\ DependenciesYes

This code shows CSS Animated Hamburger Icon with Transforms

2. Menu “Hamburger” icon animations

Code by-Jesse Couch
Demo and DownloadClick here for the code
Language usedHtml, CSS, JavaScript
External links\ DependenciesNo

This code shows the Menu of CSS Animated Hamburger Icon with Transforms

3. Hamburger Icon animations

Code by-Rosa
Demo and DownloadClick here for the code
Language usedHtml, CSS, JavaScript
External links\ DependenciesNo

This code consists of 12 hamburger icon animations.

4. Hamburger icon with morphing menu

Code by-Sergio Andrade
Demo and DownloadClick here for the code
Language usedHtml, CSS, JavaScript
External links\ DependenciesYes

This code represents a hamburger icon with a creative menu.

5. Hamburger Icon Animation to Cross underline with CSS

Code by-Ricardo Prieto
Demo and DownloadClick here for the code
Language usedHtml, CSS, JavaScript
External links\ DependenciesYes

This code represents animated hamburger icons.

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6. Pure CSS “Hamburger Icon” Animations

Code by-Luiz
Demo and DownloadClick here for the code
Language usedHtml, CSS
External links\ DependenciesYes

These are icons made in pure HTML and CSS, you can change the size and they will still work.

7. Menu Hamburger Icon Animations

Code by-Mohammed Hashem
Demo and DownloadClick here for the code
Language usedHtml, CSS, JavaScript
External links\ DependenciesYes

This code represents an animated hamburger icon.

8. Single Element Hamburger Icons with Box Shadow

Code by-Priyesh Walunj
Demo and DownloadClick here for the code
Language usedHtml, CSS, JavaScript
External links\ DependenciesYes

This creates create hamburger icons with different transition effects using a single element.


9. Hamburger icons v.1


Code by-Shark
Demo and DownloadClick here for the code
Language usedHtml, CSS, JavaScript
External links\ DependenciesYes

This code shows different JS, SVG, and checkbox icons.


10. Simple Hamburger fun


Code by-Kenneth Lamb
Demo and DownloadClick here for the code
Language usedHtml, CSS, JavaScript
External links\ DependenciesYes

This code has fun with animated hamburger icons. btn-toggler holds the icon which is put inside a span using btn-toggler-icon. Then using js to add class toggles.


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11. Animated and Dynamic Hamburger icons

Code by-Dom
Demo and DownloadClick here for the code
Language usedHtml, CSS, JavaScript
External links\ DependenciesYes

This code shows an animated Hamburger icon.

12. 100% CSS Hamburger Animation

Code by-Grant Vinson
Demo and DownloadClick here for the code
Language usedHtml, CSS
External links\ DependenciesYes

This code shows a menu by using only CSS hamburger animation

13. Flippin’ burgers

Code by-Mikael Ainalem
Demo and DownloadClick here for the code
Language usedHtml, CSS
External links\ DependenciesYes

A set of hamburger menu open/close animations

14. Hamburger Animations with SVG and CSS

Code by-Naila Ahmad
Demo and DownloadClick here for the code
Language usedHtml, CSS, JavaScript
External links\ DependenciesYes

Navicon / hamburger animations with CSS keyframes and SVG icons

15. Hamburger icon animation

Code by-humengxiangfeng
Demo and DownloadClick here for the code
Language usedHtml, CSS, JavaScript
External links\ DependenciesYes

So Learners that’s all. We have included 15+ creative and unique hamburger icons in this article. I hope you enjoyed reading this. Tell your other developers about this. We would love to hear your opinions and suggestions in the comments section below.

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Written by: Aditi Tiwari

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