Creating a Casino Game using C++

How to create a Casino Game in C++

Let us create a Casino Game in C++

Hello developers, Welcome to the codewithrandom blog. In this article, we will learn how to create a Casino Game using C++.

Before starting with the creation of the game let us first understand what exactly is a casino game and how we play it.

What is a Casino Game?

  • A casino is a game in which the participant bets on a number between 1 and 10. It is a game of chance.
  • If the player’s estimate matches the produced number, the player wins and gets ten times their stake.
  • If the player’s estimate does not match the produced number, the wager is forfeited. The game can be played until the player wants to play.

Casino Game in c++

  • These betting games are generally meant to provide the house an edge over the player, therefore the odds are often stacked in favor of the casino.
  • While some casino games demand skill and strategy, the majority of them are based solely on luck.
  • A random number generator determines the outcome of each game, ensuring that the outcomes are always fair and unbiased.

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Slot machines, blackjack, roulette, craps, baccarat, and poker are examples of popular casino games. Each of these games has its own set of rules and techniques, as well as varying levels of risk and possible profit.

Overview of the UI:

  • The player will enter their name and the amount of money they want to deposit to play the casino game.
  • Rules of the game are displayed along with their current balance.
  • The player will enter the amount of money for the bet and then choose a number between 1 and 10.
  • A random number between 1 and 10 is generated by the computer.
  • If the player’s chosen number corresponds to the randomly produced number, they win and get 10 times their stake. If they don’t, they lose the money they made a bet on.
  • The winning number is displayed, along with the player’s current balance, and the player is asked if they wish to play again.
  • The game terminates when the player’s balance hits zero.

Creating a Casino Game using C++ Source code:

You can directly use this code by copying it into your IDE to understand the work and then can create it by understanding the project.

#include <iostream>
#include <string> // Needed to use strings
#include <cstdlib> // Needed to use random numbers
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
void drawLine(int n, char symbol);
void rules();
int main()
    string playerName;
    int amount; // hold player's balance amount
    int bettingAmount; 
    int guess;
    int dice; // hold computer generated number
    char choice;
    srand(time(0)); // "Seed" the random generator

    cout << "\n\n\n\t\tCASINO GAME\n\n\n\n";
    cout << "\n\nEnter Your Name : ";
    getline(cin, playerName);
    cout << "\n\nEnter Deposit amount to play game : $";
    cin >> amount;
        cout << "\n\nYour current balance is $ " << amount << "\n";
        // Get player's betting amount
            cout <<playerName<<", enter money to bet : $";
            cin >> bettingAmount;
            if(bettingAmount > amount)
                cout << "Your betting amount is more than your current balance\n"
                       <<"\nRe-enter data\n ";
        }while(bettingAmount > amount);
        // Get player's numbers
            cout << "Guess your number to bet between 1 to 10 :";
            cin >> guess;
            if(guess <= 0 || guess > 10)
                cout << "Please check the number!! should be between 1 to 10\n"
                    <<"\nRe-enter data\n ";
        }while(guess <= 0 || guess > 10);
        dice = rand()%10 + 1; // Will hold the randomly generated integer between 1 and 10
        if(dice == guess)
            cout << "\n\nGood Luck!! You won Rs." << bettingAmount * 10;
            amount = amount + bettingAmount * 10;
            cout << "Bad Luck this time !! You lost $ "<< bettingAmount <<"\n";
            amount = amount - bettingAmount;
        cout << "\nThe winning number was : " << dice <<"\n";
        cout << "\n"<<playerName<<", You have $ " << amount << "\n";
        if(amount == 0)
            cout << "You have no money to play ";
        cout << "\n\n-->Do you want to play again (y/n)? ";		
        cin >> choice;
    }while(choice =='Y'|| choice=='y');
    cout << "\n\n\n";
    cout << "\n\nThanks for playing game. Your balance amount is $ " << amount << "\n\n";
    return 0;
void drawLine(int n, char symbol)
    for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
        cout << symbol;
    cout << "\n" ;
void rules()
    cout << "\n\n";
    cout << "\t\tRULES OF THE GAME\n";
    cout << "\t1. Choose any number between 1 to 10\n";
    cout << "\t2. If you win you will get 10 times of money you bet\n";
    cout << "\t3. If you bet on wrong number you will lose your betting amount\n\n";

Now let us understand the code:-

  • We will start by writing the header of the code with the required libraries – iostream, string (Needed to use strings), cstdlib (Needed to use random numbers), and ctime. After the header, we will define the following functions – drawLine(int n, char symbol), and void rules().
  • Now we will create a function called drawline() and define it. This function is used to draw a line of a specified symbol for formatting purposes.
  • The rules() function will be defined which will display the rules of the game on the console.
  • The main() function will be defined, where we will define the logic of the game. Here we will declare variables to be used while defining logic of the game and the variables are –
    playerName, amount (hold player’s balance amount), bettingAmount, guess, dice (hold computer generated number), choice.
  • It starts by displaying the game name – CASINO GAME and then asks the player to enter their name and deposit amount in the game, then enters a do-while loop that continues until the player’s balance reaches zero or they choose to quit.
  • Within the loop we will use system(“cls”); – Used to clear the screen.The rules() function is called to display the rules of the game and the player’s current balance is shown.
  • Nesting do-while loop to get player’s betting amount. Here the player will enter the amount they want to bet and the program checks if the betting amount is valid (less than or equal to the player’s balance).
  • Nesting another loop to let the player choose a number between 1 and 10 and then the program checks if the chosen number is within the valid range (between 1 and 10).
  • The rand() function generates a random number between 1 and 10 and will hold the randomly generated integer.
  • We will use and if-else statement to see if the player’s selected number matches the random number, they win and their balance is changed appropriately. Otherwise, they forfeit the bet and their balance is updated.
  • Then we will display the winning number, as well as the player’s updated balance, and let the program to whether the player to play again or not. The loop finishes when the player’s balance hits zero.
  • Finally, the player’s ending balance is displayed, and the program exits.
  •  This sums up our project of Casino Game using C++.

Read also: Bank Management System using C++ (With Source Code)

Final Output:-

Here is an example to show how this project works

Enter your name and money to deposit.

Creating a Casino Game using C++

Creating a Casino Game using C++

Rules of the game are displayed and current balance is shown.

Creating a Casino Game using C++

Entering the number between 1 to 10.

Creating a Casino Game using C++

Creating a Casino Game using C++


We have reached the end of this article and have a lot more projects in C++ coming so stay tuned. We have started with awesome and fun projects for you all to understand C++. Learning C++ by creating fun projects makes learning easy and interesting.

If you enjoyed the article and learned something new today, let us know in the comments.

Thank you.

Happy Reading! 🙂

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Some FAQs related to casino number guessing games in C++


What is the rand() function?

function generates a random number between 1 and 10 and will hold the randomly generated integer.


What is the logic of casino games?

A casino is basically a game in which the participant bets on a number between 1 and 10. It is a game of chance.
If the player’s estimate matches the produced number, the player wins and gets ten times their stake.
If the player’s estimate does not match the produced number, the wager is forfeited. The game can be played until the player wants to play.


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