Learn HTML Ul Tag and Ul Tag Attribute With Example

Learn HTML Ul Tag and Ul Tag Attribute With Example

Learn HTML Ul Tag and Ul Tag Attribute With Example
Learn HTML Ul Tag and Ul Tag Attribute With Example


Hello, guys welcome to the codewithrandom blog, in this post we learn what is Ul tag in HTML.

HTML Ul Tag 

Basically where we use the ul (unordered list)tag so their li tag is a must because we use ul tag and inside of ul tag we create li (list). Let see an example of how to ul tag Or li tag work together

<li>thank for reading</li>


HTML ul tag | what an html ul tag?

Here you can easily see in the image that’s how an unordered list works with an li item, first, we use the ul tag then we use 3 li tags inside of the ul tag and that’s it for the output image

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Ul tag attribute

Here we see that we get the only circle before the list item so we have some type of attribute that changes that circle into a square, disk, or circle.

Ul tag square

 <ul type="square">  
  <li>thank for reading</li>  


HTML ul tag | what an html ul tag?


Here we see that we have a square before our list item because we use the type attribute in our ul tag square.

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Ul tag disc

<ul type="disc">
<li>thank for reading</li>


HTML ul tag | what an html ul tag?

Here we see that we have a disc icon before our list item because we use the type attribute in our ul tag disc.

HTML Ol tag 

Html ol tag is simple like ul where ul is an unordered list there Ol is an ordered list. Ol and ul have many similarities like type attributes, and also Ol tag has start attributes.

Simple Ol tag

<li>read more blog</li>


HTML ul tag | what an html ul tag?
Simple HTML Ol tag


Ol tag  attribute start

in ol tag start attribute work like from which number list start,first you see the code so you understand what I want to say.

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start attribute

<ol start="26">
<li>read more blog</li>


HTML ul tag | what an html ul tag?
  Ol start attribute

Ol tag type attribute 

we have a type attribute that changes our ol tag style, we have 1, a, A, I, I type attribute. let’s see how they all work.

1 type attribute 


 <ol type="1">
<li>read more blog</li>



HTML ul tag | what an html ul tag?

Ol a type attribute

<ol type="a">
<li>read more blog</li>



HTML ul tag | what an html ul tag?

Ol A type attribute

<ol type="A">
<li>read more blog</li>



HTML ul tag | what an html ul tag?

ol I type attribute

<ol type="i">
<li>read more blog</li>



HTML ul tag | what an html ul tag?

Ol I type attribute

<ol type="I">
<li>read more blog</li>


HTML ul tag | what an html ul tag?


In this post, we learn what an HTML UL tag is with a simple coding example of Html. If we did a mistake or any confusion please drop a comment to give a reply or help you in easy learning.

written by – codewithrandom/Anki 

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