Parking Management System Project Using Python
Hello coder, welcome to the codewithrandom blog. In this article, we will Build Parking Management System Project Using Python. In today’s world, parking has become a crucial aspect of daily life. Whether it is a shopping mall, office, or residential complex, parking is a necessity. With the increase in the number of vehicles on the road, managing parking spaces has become a challenge for many. Hence, there is a need for a parking management system that can automate the process of parking management. In this blog, we will discuss a parking management system project using Python.
To create a parking management system project using Python., we need to perform the following steps:
step 1: open any python code Editor.
step 2: Importing the Required Modules.
step 3: Copy the code for parking management system project using Python, which I provided Below in this article, and save it in a file named “” (or any other name you prefer).
step 4: Run this python file to start the parking management system project.
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Complete Source Code For the parking management system project using Python (copy the code and run )👇👇👇
# Import Time import time Vehicle_Number = ['XXXX-XX-XXXX'] Vehicle_Type = ['Bike'] vehicle_Name = ['Intruder'] Owner_Name = ['Unknown'] Date = ['22-22-3636'] Time = ['22:22:22'] bikes = 100 cars = 250 bicycles = 78 def main(): global bikes, cars, bicycles try: while True: print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("\t\tParking Management System") print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("1.Vehicle Entry") print("2.Remove Entry" ) print("3.View Parked Vehicle ") print("4.View Left Parking Space ") print("5.Amount Details ") print("6.Bill") print("7.Close Programme ") print("+---------------------------------------------+") ch = int(input("\tSelect option:")) if ch == 1: no = True while no == True: Vno = input("\tEnter vehicle number (XXXX-XX-XXXX) - ").upper() if Vno == "": print("###### Enter Vehicle No. ######") elif Vno in Vehicle_Number: print("###### Vehicle Number Already Exists") elif len(Vno) == 12: no = not True Vehicle_Number.append(Vno) else: print("###### Enter Valid Vehicle Number ######") typee = True while typee == True: Vtype = str(input("\tEnter vehicle type(Bicycle=A/Bike=B/Car=C):")).lower() if Vtype == "": print("###### Enter Vehicle Type ######") elif Vtype == "a": Vehicle_Type.append("Bicycle") bicycles -= 1 typee = not True elif Vtype == "b": Vehicle_Type.append("Bike") bikes -= 1 typee = not True elif Vtype == "c": Vehicle_Type.append("Car") cars -= 1 typee = not True else: print("###### Please Enter Valid Option ######") name = True while name == True: vname = input("\tEnter vehicle name - ") if vname == "": print("########Please Enter Vehicle Name ########") else: vehicle_Name.append(vname) name = not True o = True while o==True: OName = input("\tEnter owner name - ") if OName == "": print("###### Please Enter Owner Name ######") else: Owner_Name.append(OName) o = not True d = True while d == True: date = input("\tEnter Date (DD-MM-YYYY) - ") if date == "": print("###### Enter Date ######") elif len(date) != 10: print("###### Enter Valid Date ######") else: Date.append(date) d = not True t = True while t==True: time=input("\tEnter Time (HH:MM:SS) - ") if t=="": print("###### Enter Time ######") elif len(time)!=8: print("###### Please Enter Valid Date ######") else: Time.append(time) t=not True print("\n............................................................Record detail saved..................................................................") elif ch==2: no=True while no==True: Vno=input("\tEnter vehicle number to Delete(XXXX-XX-XXXX) - ").upper() if Vno=="": print("###### Enter Vehicle No. ######") elif len(Vno)==12: if Vno in Vehicle_Number: i=Vehicle_Number.index(Vno) Vehicle_Number.pop(i) Vehicle_Type.pop(i) vehicle_Name.pop(i) Owner_Name.pop(i) Date.pop(i) Time.pop(i) no=not True print("\n............................................................Removed Sucessfully..................................................................") elif Vno not in Vehicle_Number: print("###### No Such Entry ######") else: print("Error") else: print("###### Enter Valid Vehicle Number ######") elif ch==3: count=0 print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("\t\t\t\tParked Vehicle") print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("Vehicle No.\tVehicle Type Vehicle Name\t Owner Name\t Date\t\tTime") print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") for i in range(len(Vehicle_Number)): count+=1 print(Vehicle_Number[i],"\t ",Vehicle_Type[i],"\t ",vehicle_Name[i],"\t ",Owner_Name[i]," " ,Date[i]," ",Time[i]) print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("------------------------------------------ Total Records - ",count,"-------------------------------------------------------") print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") elif ch==4: print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("\t\t\t\tSpaces Left For Parking") print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("\tSpaces Available for Bicycle - ",bicycles) print("\tSpaces Available for Bike - ",bikes) print("\tSpaces Available for Car - ",cars) print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") elif ch==5: print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("\t\t\t\tParking Rate") print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("*1.Bicycle Rs20 / Hour") print("*2.Bike Rs40/ Hour") print("*3.Car Rs60/ Hour") print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") elif ch==6: print(".............................................................. Generating Bill ..........................................................................") no=True while no==True: Vno=input("\tEnter vehicle number to Delete(XXXX-XX-XXXX) - ").upper() if Vno=="": print("###### Enter Vehicle No. ######") elif len(Vno)==12: if Vno in Vehicle_Number: i=Vehicle_Number.index(Vno) no=not True elif Vno not in Vehicle_Number: print("###### No Such Entry ######") else: print("Error") else: print("###### Enter Valid Vehicle Number ######") print("\tVehicle Check in time - ",Time[i]) print("\tVehicle Check in Date - ",Date[i]) print("\tVehicle Type - ",Vehicle_Type[i]) inp=True amt=0 while inp==True: hr=input("\tEnter No. of Hours Vehicle Parked - ").lower() if hr=="": print("###### Please Enter Hours ######") elif int(hr)==0 and Vehicle_Type[i]=="Bicycle": amt=20 inp=not True elif int(hr)==0 and Vehicle_Type[i]=="Bike": amt=40 inp=not True elif int(hr)==0 and Vehicle_Type[i]=="Car": amt=60 inp=not True elif int(hr)>=1: if Vehicle_Type[i]=="Bicycle": amt=int(hr)*int(20) inp=not True elif Vehicle_Type[i]=="Bike": amt=int(hr)*int(40) inp=not True elif Vehicle_Type[i]=="Car": amt=int(hr)*int(60) inp=not True print("\t Parking Charge - ",amt) ac=18/100*int(amt) print("\tAdd. charge 18 % - ",ac) print("\tTotal Charge - ",int(amt)+int(ac)) print("..............................................................Thank you for using our service...........................................................................") a=input("\tPress Any Key to Proceed - ") elif ch==7: print("..............................................................Thank you for using our service...........................................................................") print(" **********(: Bye Bye :)**********") break quit except: main() main()
Output 👇👇
Hurray! You have successfully Build a parking management system project using Python. the parking management system project using Python is an efficient and effective way of managing parking spaces. It automates the process of parking management, reducing the workload of the management team. The system is easy to use and provides real-time updates to the admin and users. It also helps in reducing the time taken for parking and improves the overall parking experience. Hope you enjoyed building with us! Visit our homepage and you get lot’s of projects💝