CSS Calendars

15+ CSS Calendars

Calendars are the essential part of our daily lives, It helps us to manage our schedules, plan, events, and remember significant dates. While pre-built calendars are included in a number of services, including email accounts, reservation platforms, and scheduling utilities. In this article we will see different kinds of calendars and their different work.

15+ CSS Calendars


1. Dark Mode Calendar

15+ CSS Calendars

Dark-mode calendars provide a good visual experience in low light. Dark mode calendars The contrast and functionality help manage and schedule events.

Code By-Avaz Bokiev
Demo And DownloadClick Here
Language UsedHTML,CSS
External Links\ DependenciesNO

2. Glassmorphism Calendar

15+ CSS Calendars

A glassmorphism calendar has design components that have a blurred, semi-transparent appearance that resembles glass panes. The sleek, elegant, and visually appealing aspects of this design style define it.

Code By-Mohamed Yusuf
Demo And DownloadClick Here
Language UsedHTML,CSS,Javascript
External Links\ DependenciesNO

3. Month Calendar

15+ CSS Calendars

Every day of the month of February is shown on this calendar, along with an image that includes a description of that day’s events. The event of the day will be visible as the user hovers over any given day.

Code By-Josiah Thomas
Demo And DownloadClick Here
Language UsedHTML,CSS,Javascript
External Links\ DependenciesNO

4. Date Picker

15+ CSS Calendars

A standard calendar with a date selector feature, where the current date is shown with a solid blue background and the selected date is chosen with a date and a blue border around the date.

Code By-Havard
Demo And DownloadClick Here
Language UsedHTML,CSS (SCSS)
External Links\ DependenciesNO

5. UI Calendar

15+ CSS Calendars

A UI calendar, often called a user interface calendar, is a graphical depiction of dates and events created to make scheduling and user involvement easier. It provides common UI used in both web and mobile applications to display dates, appointments, events, and other time-related information in an orderly and user-friendly way.

Code By-Markshall
Demo And DownloadClick Here
Language UsedHTML,CSS(SCSS)
External Links\ DependenciesNO

6. Image Calendar

15+ CSS Calendars

An image calendar is a dynamic sort of calendar where a picture is displayed alongside the month and changes as the month does, making it more appealing visually and allowing for an interactive user experience.

Code By-Mrnobody
Demo And DownloadClick Here
Language UsedHTML,CSS(SCSS)
External Links\ DependenciesNO

7. Mobile Calendar

15+ CSS Calendars

Mobile calendars offer a better visual experience on small screens and are specifically made for such devices. We may check the date, set events, and more with the aid of the smartphone calendar.

Code By-Eliza Rajbhandari
Demo And DownloadClick Here
Language UsedHTML,CSS
External Links\ DependenciesNO

8. Task Planner Calendar

15+ CSS Calendars

This kind of calendar is used to schedule tasks for the day and helps in passing the test. the best calendar for task planning and setting up various tasks for the user.

Code By-Arun
Demo And DownloadClick Here
Language UsedHTML,CSS,
External Links\ DependenciesNO

9. Multiple Months Calendar

15+ CSS Calendars

Multiple Event calendars consist of multiple months dates displayed at the same time. This kind of calendar is used for setting multiple events at the same time.

Code By-Alvaro
Demo And DownloadClick Here
Language UsedHTML,CSS
External Links\ DependenciesNO

10. Simple Calendar

15+ CSS Calendars

It is a basic type of calendar. We have created this calendar using basic HTML tags and some CSS. This project is best for beginners who want to learn about front-end concepts.

Code By-Alvaro
Demo And DownloadClick Here
Language UsedHTML,CSS
External Links\ DependenciesNO

11. Grid Calendar

15+ CSS Calendars

A grid calendar is a style of calendar layout that arranges and presents dates and events using a grid framework. It commonly uses a grid system to  represent the days of a month or a week, with each cell of the grid representing a different day.

Code By-Olivia
Demo And DownloadClick Here
Language UsedHTML,CSS,Javascript
External Links\ DependenciesNO

12. Functional Calendar

15+ CSS Calendars

Inside the functional calendar, the user can select any date and set any type of event reminder with a pop-up form, including the event name, date, notes, and save button for registering the event.

Code By-BrainUp
Demo And DownloadClick Here
Language UsedHTML,CSS,Javascript
External Links\ DependenciesNO

13. Windows fluent Design Calendar

15+ CSS Calendars

The window-fluid design calendar was created specifically for large-screen devices like laptops. The window calendar offers an enhanced view of the calendar and a wonderful user experience.

Code By-Tom
Demo And DownloadClick Here
Language UsedHTML,CSS,Javascript
External Links\ DependenciesNO

14. CSS Flipping Calendar

15+ CSS Calendars

The most common type of physical calendar is the flip calendar, which every household must have. But flipping a calendar digitally is a terrific approach to make a calendar that gives the consumer a genuine experience.

Code By-Davide Francesco
Demo And DownloadClick Here
Language UsedHTML,CSS
External Links\ DependenciesNO

15. Clock Calendar

15+ CSS Calendars

A watch is located in the middle of this multicolored calendar. The developer of this calendar can make both the concepts of time and date clearer with the help of it.

Code By-Nitika
Demo And DownloadClick Here
Language UsedHTML,CSS,Javascript
External Links\ DependenciesNO

16. Infinite Calendar

15+ CSS Calendars

Infinite Calendar uses an API to fetch the future calendar. This type of calendar is mostly used on government job websites to select the future date for some particular field in the government job form or any kind of form that requires a future date.

Code By-Tadaima
Demo And DownloadClick Here
Language UsedHTML,CSS, Javascript
External Links\ DependenciesNO

17. Date & time selector Calendar

15+ CSS Calendars

In this type of calendar, you can select a date as well as set the timer for a particular event. This type of calendar is helpful for giving reminders based on the time and date selected.

Code By-Jarom
Demo And DownloadClick Here
Language UsedHTML,CSS,Javascript
External Links\ DependenciesNO

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Author: Arun