College Management System Project Using C++ | College Management System Final Year Project

College Management System Project Using C++ | College Management System Final Year Project

College Management System Project Using C++ | College Management System Final Year Project


Hello, learners. In this project, we will be making a college management system, which will store information about the students.

If you have been following us for a while, We hope that you are following our C++ projects.

 I will be explaining the code if there is any hard part.

This project is beginner-friendly. Anyone who knows the classes, files, and vectors can understand the project. 

Don’t worry if you are a beginner. I will explain them to the part that we need.

First, let’s see the UI and choices we have.

User Interface and Working 

The starting User Interface Image is above the Introduction section.

Let’s discuss each option in detail.

1)  Adding New Student

In this option, we take the information of the student of a class. 

In general, we take the Name, Branch, and college roll number.

2) Display all students

In this project, displaying the student list is a bit different.

We only display one student at a time and have to press the ENTER key every time till the end of the list.

3) Remove student info

We use the Registration number or the roll number that we have taken and then find the student.


We confirm the details of the student by displaying them.


Then we press ENTER key to delete it from our records.



4) Edit student information

Instead of deleting the student information and entering new details of the same student, we can use the edit option.


5) Search for student

We can search for a student using the information we took. So, in this option, we provide the user to search for the student in the following ways.

  1. Using the registration number / Roll number
  2. Using name
  3. Using branch

We can use them depending upon the situation we have. Usually, for a single student, we use the ID and for a group of them, we use the name or branch.

Concepts needed

For this project, it is recommended to know the following concepts or at least have an idea about them.

  1. Classes
  2. Vector and its methods
  3. Files

Let’s see about vectors. 

In C++ vectors are similar to arrays but are more efficient and offer easy methods to perform the operations that we do on an array but are only static. 


2: #include<iostream>
3: #include<vector>
4: #include<stdio.h>
5: #include<cstring>
6: #include<fstream>
7: #include<algorithm>
8: using namespace std;
9: class student
10: {
11: public:
12: long int reg;
13: char name[80],branch[50];
14: void input()
15: {
16: cout<<"n Enter name: ";
17: gets(name);
18: cout<<"n Enter roll no: ";
19: cin>>reg;
20: fflush(stdin);
21: cout<<"n Enter Branch: ";
22: gets(branch);
23: }
24: void display()
25: {
26: system("CLS");
27: cout<<"ttDisplay Records";
28: cout<<"n";
29: cout<<"n Name - "<<name;
30: cout<<"n Reg no. - "<<reg;
31: cout<<"n Branch - "<<branch;
32: cout<<"n";
33: system("PAUSE");
34: system("CLS");
35: }
36: bool operator == (student a)
37: {
38: if(reg==a.reg)
39: return true;
40: else
41: return false;
42: }
43: };
44: vector <student>v;
45: int search_reg(long int reg,int &i);
46: void get_file()
47: {
48: student x;
49: int i=0;
50: fstream f;
52: if(f)
53: {
54: *) &x,sizeof(class student));
55: while(!f.eof())
56: {
57: v.push_back(x);
58: *) &x,sizeof(class student));
59: }
60: }
61: else
62: ;
63: f.close();
64: }
65: void bubblesort()
66: {
67: int i,j;
68: student x;
69: for(i=0;i<v.size();i++)
70: for(j=0;j<v.size()-i-1;j++)
71: if(v[j].reg>v[j+1].reg)
72: {
73: x=v[j];
74: v[j]=v[j+1];
75: v[j+1]=x;
76: }
77: }
78: void insert_new()
79: {
80: char ch='y';
81: int ta;
82: while(ch=='y')
83: {
84: fflush(stdin);
85: student x;
86: x.input();
87: if(search_reg(x.reg,ta)==0)
88: v.push_back(x);
89: else
91: cout<<"n Press [Y] to enter more: ";
92: cin>>ch;
93: fflush(stdin);
94: }
95: }
96: void write_file()
97: {
98: bubblesort();
99: fstream f;
101: for(int i=0;i<v.size();i++)
102: {
103: student x=v[i];
104: f.write((char *) &x,sizeof(class student));
105: }
106: f.close();
107: }
108: int search_reg(long int reg,int &i)
109: {
110: int ta=0;
111: for(i=0;i<v.size();i++)
112: if(v[i].reg==reg)
113: {
114: ta=1;
115: break;
116: }
117: return ta;
118: }
119: int search_name(char name[],vector<int> &vi)
120: {
121: int i,ta=0;
122: for(i=0;i<v.size();i++)
123: if(strcmp(v[i].name,name)==0)
124: {
125: ta=1;
126: vi.push_back(i);
127: }
128: return ta;
129: }
130: int search_branch(char branch[],vector<int> &vj)
131: {
132: int i,ta=0;
133: for(i=0;i<v.size();i++)
134: if(strcmp(v[i].branch,branch)==0)
135: {
136: ta=1;
137: vj.push_back(i);
138: }
139: return ta;
140: }
141: void search_and_show()
142: {
143: int ch,i,ta=0;
144: char name[80],branch[50];
145: vector <int>vi;
146: vector <int>vj;
147: long int reg;
148: poi:
149: cout<<"n1.Press to search reg no."
150: <<"n2.Press to search name"
151: <<"n3.Press to search branch";
152: cin>>ch;
153: switch(ch)
154: {
155: case 1:
156: cout<<"nEnter reg no.: ";
157: cin>>reg;
158: if(search_reg(reg,i)==1)
159: v[i].display();
160: else
161: cout<<"nRecord NOT FOUND!!!";
162: break;
163: case 2:
164: cout<<"nEnter name: ";
165: fflush(stdin);
166: gets(name);
167: if(search_name(name,vi)==1)
168: {
169: for(int j=0;j<vi.size();j++)
170: v[vi[j]].display();
171: }
172: else
173: cout<<"nRecord NOT FOUND!!!";
174: break;
175: case 3:
176: cout<<"nEnter branch: ";
177: fflush(stdin);
178: gets(branch);
179: if(search_branch(branch,vj)==1)
180: {
181: for(int j=0;j<vj.size();j++)
182: v[vj[j]].display();
183: }
184: else
185: cout<<"nRecord NOT FOUND!!!";
186: break;
187: default:
188: cout<<"nWrong CHOICE!!!";
189: goto poi;
190: }
191: }
192: void show()
193: {
194: int i;
195: for(i=0;i<v.size();i++)
196: v[i].display();
197: }
198: void delete_data()
199: {
200: int i,j;
201: long int reg;
202: vector <student>::iterator p=v.begin();
203: cout<<"nEnter Reg. no.: ";
204: cin>>reg;
205: if(search_reg(reg,i)==1)
206: {
207: student x=v[i];
208: cout<<"nThe following data is being deleted";
209: x.display();
210: p+=i;
211: v.erase(p,p+1);
212: }
213: }
214: void edit_data()
215: {
216: int i,j;
217: long int reg;
218: vector <student>vi;
219: cout<<"nEnter Reg. no.: ";
220: cin>>reg;
221: if(search_reg(reg,i)==1)
222: {
223: cout<<"nEnter new data:";
224: fflush(stdin);
225: v[i].input();
226: }
227: }
228: int main()
229: {
230: int i=1;
231: get_file();
232: while(i)
233: {
234: system("CLS");
235: cout<<"ttt-----------------------------------------n";
236: cout<<"ttt Simple College Management Systemn";
237: cout<<"ttt-----------------------------------------n";
238: cout<<"ntttEnter <1> to Add new student"
239: <<"ntttEnter <2> to Display all student"
240: <<"ntttEnter <3> to Remove student"
241: <<"ntttEnter <4> to Edit student"
242: <<"ntttEnter <5> to Search student"
243: <<"ntttEnter <0> to Exitn";
244: cout<<"nntttEnter Your Choice:";
245: cin>>i;
246: switch(i)
247: {
248: case 1 :
249: insert_new();
250: break;
251: case 2 :
252: show();
253: break;
254: case 3 :
255: delete_data();
256: break;
257: case 4 :
258: edit_data();
259: break;
260: case 5 :
261: search_and_show();
262: break;
263: case 0 :
264: write_file();
265: break;
266: default :
267: cout<<"nWRONG CHOICE!!!nTRY AGAIN";
268: }
269: }
270: return 0;
271: }

Code Explanation

In this project, we use many helper functions, which simplify the code and make it look clean.

First, we will discuss the necessary functions and then the needed helper functions, which require explanation.

1)void insert_new()

We use this function for adding a new record to the file. Using an object to the student class, we access the input() function.

For storing the data, we use a vector that is similar to arrays.

In vectors, we use the method push_back() to insert the data into it.

If the user tries to enter an existing ID, we give an error message, as ID numbers are unique.

College Management System Project Using C++ | College Management System Final Year Project

2) void show() 

In this function, we call the display() method to display the information of all records.

College Management System Project Using C++ | College Management System Final Year Project

College Management System Project Using C++ | College Management System Final Year Project

3) void delete_data()

If we want to remove a student, then we can locate the information using a helper function search_reg(). If the registration ID is right, we will display the details and remove them using the vector method erase().

College Management System Project Using C++ | College Management System Final Year Project

4) void edit_data()

For taking the new data of the same student, we create a new vector and then store that data in it.

Most functions other than the add function use the search_reg() function to check registration and then proceed to the function.

College Management System Project Using C++ | College Management System Final Year Project

5) void search_and_show()

The primary aspect of this function is that we can search based on different choices. 

So, for each choice, we create a helper function that checks whether the particular information is in the record or not.

For example: If we use search by the branch, then we call the search_branch() function. It returns the integer saying the branch name exists in records. We then display using the display() function.

College Management System Project Using C++ | College Management System Final Year Project

Similarly, we can search using the name and ID of a student.

Some of the helper functions that play an important role are,

  • get_file() and write_file to store the data in the file
  • search_name(), search_reg(), search_branch() to search based on name, ID ,and branch.
  • void input() and void display()


So, today we learned how to make a simple college management system. If you understood the project, you could add more modifications like subjects taken, the section of branch, etc. 

If you enjoyed this article, let us know in the comments and check out more C++ projects on our website. 

Do check out more of our articles on web development as well

1) Loan Calculator using HTML-CSS-JS

2) Dino Game using HTML-CSS-JS

Happy Learning 🙂

Thank you.

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