Draw Radha Krishna Using Python Code
Hello coder, welcome to the Codewithrandom blog. In this article, We Draw Radha Krishna Using Python Turtle Code. Creating Radha Krishna art using programming is a fun way to explore the intersection of creativity and technology. In this tutorial, we will use the Python Turtle library to create a simple image of Radha Krishna.
Before Starting coding to Draw Radha Krishna Using Python Turtle , check this video to know what we are going to Create:
Build Your Own Tetris Game Using Python
How to Build a YouTube Video Downloader using Python
To Draw Radha Krishna Using Python, we need to perform the following steps:
Before we can start drawing, we need to make sure that we have Python and the Turtle library installed on our computer. Here are the steps to install them:
Open a terminal window and enter the following command to install the Turtle library:
$ pip install turtle
To Draw Radha Krishna Using Python Turtle, you can follow these steps:
- open any python code Editor.
- Import the required module .
- Copy the code for the Draw Radha Krishna Using Python, which I provided Below in this article, and save it in a file named “main.py” (or any other name you prefer).
- Run this main.py to start the drawing.
That’s it! Have fun the Draw Radha Krishna Using Python.
Complete Source Code for the draw Radha Krishna using python (Copy the code and Run )👇👇
import turtle wn=turtle.Screen() wn.setup(768,768) wn.title("_codefacts instagram") wn.bgcolor("#444444") #Radha b=turtle.Turtle() b.color('#40ffff') b.up() b.speed(0) b.seth(0) b.fd(22) b.seth(90) b.fd(103) b.pensize(5) b.down() #1 eye1 1 b.seth(10) b.circle(-50,25) b.pensize(4) b.circle(-50,10) b.pensize(3) b.circle(-50,5) b.pensize(2) b.circle(-50,3) b.up() b.seth(180) b.fd(35) b.seth(-90) b.fd(14) b.down() #1 eye1 2 b.seth(-46) b.fd(5) b.pensize(3) b.fd(10) b.pensize(4) b.fd(4) b.pensize(5) b.circle(25,62) b.pensize(4) b.seth(-48) b.fd(3) b.pensize(3) b.fd(4) b.pensize(2) b.fd(3) b.up() b.seth(45) b.fd(63) b.down() #1 eye2 1 b.circle(-100,3) b.pensize(3) b.circle(-100,8) b.pensize(4) b.circle(-100,9) b.pensize(5) b.circle(-100,13) b.pensize(4) b.circle(-100,8) b.pensize(3) b.circle(-100,6) b.pensize(2) b.circle(-100,3) b.up() b.seth(-139) b.fd(103) b.down() #1 eye2 2 b.seth(46) b.fd(4) b.pensize(3) b.fd(6) b.pensize(4) b.fd(6) b.seth(-5) b.circle(115,5) b.pensize(5) b.circle(115,10) b.pensize(6) b.circle(115,15) b.pensize(5) b.circle(115,10) b.pensize(4) b.circle(115,5) b.pensize(3) b.circle(115,5) b.pensize(2) b.circle(115,5) b.up() b.seth(176) b.fd(142) b.down() #2 pottu b.pensize(7) b.circle(2) b.pensize(4) b.up() b.seth(-94) b.fd(118) b.down() #3 nose b.seth(-125) b.circle(15,85) b.fd(10) b.pensize(3) b.up() b.seth(-115) b.fd(22) b.down() #3 mouth b.seth(28) b.fd(15) b.circle(-9,85) b.seth(75) b.circle(-9,83) b.circle(40,48) b.seth(-131) b.circle(-65,62) #b.pensize(3) b.up() b.seth(-70) b.fd(6) b.down() b.seth(-34) b.circle(35,80) b.pensize(2) b.up() b.seth(150) b.fd(99) b.down() #3 face b.seth(-67) b.fd(10) b.pensize(3) b.fd(40) b.circle(122,36) b.seth(0) b.fd(27) b.seth(27) b.circle(220,40) b.pensize(2) b.circle(220,5) b.pensize(3) b.up() b.seth(-60) b.fd(10) b.down() #3 hear1 b.seth(-90) b.fd(32) b.seth(0) b.circle(-25,160) b.pensize(4) b.circle(-25,100) b.pensize(5) b.circle(-25,50) b.pensize(4) b.circle(-25,35) b.pensize(3) b.circle(-25,15) b.pensize(3) b.up() b.seth(-10) b.fd(40) b.down() #3 hear2 b.seth(-90) b.fd(14) b.seth(0) b.circle(-10,160) b.pensize(4) b.circle(-10,100) b.pensize(5) b.circle(-10,50) b.pensize(4) b.circle(-10,35) b.pensize(3) b.circle(-10,15) b.pensize(4) b.up() b.seth(147) b.fd(315) b.down() #3 hair1 b.seth(90) b.circle(-120,5) b.pensize(3) b.circle(-120,40) b.pensize(3) b.circle(-45,50) b.pensize(4) b.circle(-45,42) b.fd(70) b.seth(-38) b.fd(50) b.pensize(5) b.circle(-75,44) b.fd(50) b.circle(70,48) b.seth(-5) b.pensize(4) b.fd(20) b.circle(-7,82) b.pensize(3) b.fd(25) b.circle(-60,33) b.pensize(2) b.circle(-60,10) b.pensize(1) b.up() b.seth(-90) b.fd(15) b.seth(-179) b.fd(212) b.down() #3 hair2 b.pensize(7) b.seth(80) b.circle(30,51) b.pensize(4) b.fd(18) b.pensize(7) b.seth(150) b.circle(-50,37) b.pensize(6) b.circle(-250,13) b.pensize(5) b.circle(-250,6) b.pensize(4) b.circle(-250,4) b.pensize(1) b.up() b.seth(56) b.fd(238) b.down() #3 hair3 b.pensize(4) b.seth(-2) b.circle(-100,31) b.pensize(6) b.circle(-100,31) b.fd(80) b.pensize(4) b.fd(45) b.pensize(1) b.up() b.seth(133) b.fd(100) b.down() #3 hair4 b.seth(-78) b.pensize(2) b.circle(132,5) b.pensize(3) b.circle(132,10) b.pensize(4) b.circle(132,20) b.pensize(5) b.circle(132,20) b.circle(-120,20) b.pensize(4) b.circle(-120,10) b.pensize(3) b.circle(-120,8) b.pensize(2) b.circle(-120,7) b.pensize(1) b.up() b.seth(144) b.fd(368) b.down() #3 hair5 b.begin_fill() b.seth(45) b.circle(-35,92) b.fd(70) b.seth(-42) b.fd(30) b.circle(-80,14) b.fd(60) b.seth(152) b.circle(-220,27) b.seth(115) b.circle(220,20) b.circle(2,176) b.circle(-150,25) b.circle(281,27) b.seth(138) b.circle(-280,26) b.circle(280,16) b.circle(24,65) b.end_fill() b.ht() #Krishna c=turtle.Turtle() c.speed(0) c.color('#40ffff') c.up() c.seth(166) c.fd(200) c.down() #1 eye1 1 c.pensize(4) c.seth(150) c.circle(70,13) c.pensize(5) c.circle(70,10) c.pensize(6) c.circle(70,10) c.pensize(7) c.circle(70,15) c.pensize(5) c.circle(70,8) c.pensize(3) c.circle(70,7) c.pensize(2) c.circle(70,5) c.up() c.seth(-19.5) c.fd(104) c.down() #1 eye1 2 c.pensize(5) c.seth(137) c.fd(8) c.pensize(4) c.fd(5) c.circle(8,92) c.circle(-37,26) c.pensize(5) c.circle(-37,20) c.pensize(6) c.circle(-37,10) c.pensize(7) c.circle(-37,10) c.pensize(6) c.circle(-37,10) c.pensize(4) c.circle(-37,10) c.pensize(3) c.fd(8) c.pensize(2) c.fd(7) c.pensize(1) c.fd(5) c.up() c.seth(17.5) c.fd(123) c.down() #1 eye2 1 c.pensize(5) c.seth(58) c.circle(-80,5) c.pensize(6) c.circle(-80,10) c.pensize(7) c.circle(-80,15) c.pensize(8) c.circle(-80,15) c.pensize(7) c.circle(-80,10) c.pensize(6) c.circle(-80,8) c.pensize(4) c.circle(-80,7) c.pensize(3) c.circle(-80,5) c.pensize(2) c.circle(-80,3) c.pensize(1) c.circle(-80,2) c.up() c.seth(-139) c.fd(118) c.down() #1 eye2 2 c.pensize(5) c.seth(68) c.fd(6) c.pensize(4) c.fd(3) c.pensize(3) c.fd(6) c.circle(-12,57) c.pensize(4) c.circle(-12,20) c.pensize(5) c.circle(-12,10) c.pensize(6) c.circle(45,30) c.pensize(7) c.circle(45,20) c.pensize(6) c.circle(45,15) c.pensize(4) c.circle(45,8) c.pensize(3) c.circle(45,7) c.fd(17) c.pensize(2) c.fd(10) c.up() c.seth(163) c.fd(165) c.down() #2 pottu c.seth(-10) c.pensize(4) c.fd(5) c.seth(-45) c.circle(-50,30) c.pensize(5) c.circle(-50,10) c.pensize(6) c.fd(15) c.circle(45,39) c.circle(7,138) c.pensize(7) c.fd(30) c.pensize(6) c.fd(20) c.pensize(5) c.fd(10) c.pensize(4) c.fd(5) c.circle(-18,35) c.pensize(3) c.circle(-18,20) c.up() c.seth(-89.5) c.fd(167) c.down() #2 nose c.circle(45,40) c.up() c.seth(-120) c.fd(31) c.down() #3 mouth c.seth(27) c.fd(18) c.circle(-9,85) c.seth(78) c.circle(-10,98) c.circle(25,80) c.seth(-127) c.circle(-67,68) c.up() c.seth(-35) c.fd(13) c.down() c.seth(-30) c.circle(37,85) c.pensize(1) c.up() c.seth(151.5) c.fd(270) c.down() #3 head1 c.begin_fill() c.seth(127) c.circle(-90,43) c.seth(45.5) c.fd(118) c.circle(-1,165) c.fd(74) c.circle(25,45) c.seth(-111) c.fd(50) c.seth(-40) c.fd(10) c.seth(61) c.fd(100) c.circle(-185,32) 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d.circle(18,103) d.end_fill() d.seth(1) d.fd(35) d.seth(-50) d.begin_fill() d.circle(18,100) d.end_fill() d.seth(1) d.fd(99) d.seth(-90) d.fd(18) d.seth(-179) d.fd(550) d.seth(90) d.fd(18) d.seth(1) d.fd(550) d.seth(-90) d.fd(1) d.begin_fill() d.seth(1) d.fd(15) d.seth(90) d.fd(5) d.circle(-7,115) d.fd(55) d.seth(-162) d.fd(55) d.circle(-7,115) d.fd(5) d.seth(-179) d.fd(15) d.end_fill() d.pensize(5) d.up() d.seth(-90) d.fd(1) d.seth(-179) d.fd(47) d.down() d.begin_fill() d.seth(-110) d.circle(-130,90) d.circle(500,50) d.seth(20) d.circle(-400,46) d.circle(204,101) d.end_fill() d.ht()
Output for the Draw Radha Krishna 👇👇👇
Hurray! You have successfully Draw Radha Krishna Using Python Turtle. we used Python Turtle to create a simple image of Radha Krishna. Programming art using tools like Python and Turtle is not only fun but also a great way to improve your programming skills. Hope you enjoyed building with us! Visit our homepage and you get lot’s of projects💝.