Payroll Management System Using C++ (With Source Code)
Hello, coders. Welcome to the codewithrandom blog. In this article, we will learn how to create a Payroll Management System Using C++ (With Source Code).
A payroll management system is a piece of software or a system that businesses employ to simplify and automate their payroll procedures. It enables organizations to manage and compute employee salaries, wages, deductions, taxes, and other parts of payroll administration more efficiently.
Objective of the system:
The goal of this program is to assists firms in calculating and processing payroll, tracking attendance and leave, producing payslips, and dealing with tax deductions and other regulatory responsibilities. The system usually connects with HR and accounting software to provide accurate and effective payroll processing while adhering to legal and regulatory requirements.
Simple Chatbot using C++ (With Source Code)
In this project we will create the payroll management system by using the object oriented programming in C++ programming language. This program is easy to understand and create.
Features of the system:
- We can add/insert a new Employee record
- A record can be edited and deleted
- We can search for a specific record in the system
- The list of the employee table can be displayed tot he user
- User can print an employee payslip
- We can quit the program anytime.
Overview of the UI:
- After loading and login success, the menu options will be displayed.
Payroll Management System 1.0 *****
Press i —-> Insert New Record.
Press e —-> Edit a Record.
Press d —-> Delete a Record.
Press s —-> Search a Record.
Press l —-> List The Employee Table.
Press p —-> Print Employee PaySlip.
Press q —-> Quit Program.”
Select Your Option ====>
The user will choose an option to perform the operation of their choice. User will then enter a values according to the prompts that will be displayed on the console to perform that operation.
Payroll Management System Using C++ Source code:
You can directly use this code by copying it in your IDE to understand the working and then can create it by understanding the project.
#include<stdio.h> #include<iostream> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #include<conio.h> #include<windows.h> #include<time.h> #include<iomanip> #include<ctype.h> #define max 50 using namespace std; int num=0; void gotoXY(int,int); void Cdelay(int); void border(int, int,int, int); void borderNoDelay(int, int,int, int); void loginFrame(int, int, int, int); void intro(); void login(); void menu(); void insert(); void edit(); void editmenu(); void editname(int); void editcode(int); void editdes(int); void editexp(int); void editage(int); void editsalary(int); void list(); void deletes(); void search(); void setWindowSize(int,int); void saverecords(); void getrecords(); bool isFilePresent(); void displayPayslip(); class employee { public: char name[20]; int code; char designation[20]; int exp; int age; int salary; char AnyLoan; int HRA; int PF; int tax; int MealAllowance; int TransportAllowance; int MedicalAllowance; int LoanBalance; int LoanDebit; int grosspay; int workingHours; int DA; }; employee emp[max],tempemp[max]; void getrecords() { FILE *fp; fp = fopen("Records.txt","r"); int c=0; if(fp!=NULL) { while(feof(fp)==0) { fscanf(fp,"%s\t%d\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%c\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",&emp[c].name,&emp[c].code,&emp[c].designation,&emp[c].exp,&emp[c].age,&emp[c].salary,&emp[c].AnyLoan,&emp[c].HRA,&emp[c].PF,&emp[c].tax,&emp[c].MealAllowance,&emp[c].TransportAllowance,&emp[c].MedicalAllowance,&emp[c].LoanBalance,&emp[c].LoanDebit,&emp[c].grosspay,&emp[c].workingHours,&emp[c].DA); c++; } num=c; } fclose(fp); } void saverecords() { if(num==0) { system("del Records.txt"); } else { FILE *fp; fp = fopen("Records.txt","w"); for(int i=0;i<num;i++) { fprintf(fp,"%s\t%d\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%c\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",emp[i].name,emp[i].code,emp[i].designation,emp[i].exp,emp[i].age,emp[i].salary,emp[i].AnyLoan,emp[i].HRA,emp[i].PF,emp[i].tax,emp[i].MealAllowance,emp[i].TransportAllowance,emp[i].MedicalAllowance,emp[i].LoanBalance,emp[i].LoanDebit,emp[i].grosspay,emp[i].workingHours,emp[i].DA); } fclose(fp); } } void Cdelay(int msec) { long goal = msec + (clock()); while (goal > (clock())); } bool isFilePresent() { FILE *fp; fp = fopen("Records.txt","r"); if(fp==NULL) return false; else return true; } void loginFrame1(int xLenS = 18, int yLenS = 8, int xLenE = 55, int yLenE = 15) { system("cls"); gotoXY(xLenS,yLenS);printf("%c",201); gotoXY(xLenS,yLenE);printf("%c",200); for(int i=xLenS+1;i<=xLenE-1;i++) //Top and Bottom Border line { //Cdelay(0); gotoXY(i,yLenS); printf("%c",205); //puts(style); gotoXY(i,yLenE); //puts(style); printf("%c",205); } gotoXY(xLenE,yLenS);printf("%c",187); gotoXY(xLenE,yLenE);printf("%c",188); for(int i=yLenS+1;i<=yLenE-1;i++) //Left and Right Border Line { //Cdelay(20); gotoXY(xLenS, i); printf("%c",186); //puts(style); gotoXY(xLenE, i); printf("%c",186); //puts(style); } printf("\n\n"); } void login() { char UserName[30],Password[30],ch;int i=0; gotoXY(20,10); printf("Enter UserName : "); cin>>UserName; gotoXY(20,12); cout<<"Enter Password : "; while(1) { ch = getch(); if(ch==13) break; if(ch==32||ch==9) continue; else { cout<<"*"; Password[i]=ch; i++; } } Password[i] = '\0'; if(strcmp(UserName,"admin")==0 && strcmp(Password,"password")==0) { system("cls"); loginFrame1(); gotoXY(27,10); cout<<"Login Success!!!"; gotoXY(21,12); cout<<"Will be redirected in 3 Seconds..."; gotoXY(56,12); Cdelay(1000); gotoXY(44,12); cout<<"\b \b2"; gotoXY(56,12); Cdelay(1000); gotoXY(44,12); cout<<"\b \b1"; gotoXY(56,12); Cdelay(1000); } else { system("cls"); loginFrame1(); gotoXY(27,10); printf("Access Denied!!!\a"); gotoXY(21,12); cout<<"Will be redirected in 3 Seconds..."; gotoXY(56,12); Cdelay(1000); gotoXY(44,12); cout<<"\b \b2"; gotoXY(56,12); Cdelay(1000); gotoXY(44,12); cout<<"\b \b1"; gotoXY(56,12); Cdelay(1000); system("cls"); loginFrame1(); login(); } } void setWindowSize(int width=670,int height=445) { HWND console = GetConsoleWindow(); RECT r; GetWindowRect(console, &r); MoveWindow(console, r.left,, width, height, TRUE); } void gotoXY(int X, int Y) { COORD coordinates; coordinates.X = X; coordinates.Y = Y; SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), coordinates); } void borderNoDelay(int xLenS = 2, int yLenS = 2,int xLenE = 76, int yLenE = 24 ) { system("cls"); gotoXY(xLenS,yLenS);printf("%c",201); gotoXY(xLenS,yLenE);printf("%c",200); for(int i=xLenS+1;i<=xLenE-1;i++) //Top and Bottom Border line { gotoXY(i,yLenS); printf("%c",205); gotoXY(i,yLenE); printf("%c",205); } gotoXY(xLenE,yLenS);printf("%c",187); gotoXY(xLenE,yLenE);printf("%c",188); for(int i=yLenS+1;i<=yLenE-1;i++) //Left and Right Border Line { gotoXY(xLenS, i); printf("%c",186); gotoXY(xLenE, i); printf("%c",186); } printf("\n\n"); } void border(int xLenS = 2, int yLenS = 2,int xLenE = 76, int yLenE = 22 ) { system("cls"); gotoXY(xLenS,yLenS);printf("%c",201); gotoXY(xLenS,yLenE);printf("%c",200); for(int i=xLenS+1;i<=xLenE-1;i++) //Top and Bottom Border line { Cdelay(15); gotoXY(i,yLenS); printf("%c",205); //puts(style); gotoXY(i,yLenE); //puts(style); printf("%c",205); } gotoXY(xLenE,yLenS);printf("%c",187); gotoXY(xLenE,yLenE);printf("%c",188); for(int i=yLenS+1;i<=yLenE-1;i++) //Left and Right Border Line { Cdelay(15); gotoXY(xLenS, i); printf("%c",186); //puts(style); gotoXY(xLenE, i); printf("%c",186); //puts(style); } printf("\n\n"); } void loginFrame(int xLenS = 18, int yLenS = 8, int xLenE = 55, int yLenE = 15) { border(xLenS,yLenS,xLenE,yLenE); } void insert() { borderNoDelay(); int i=num; int sal,PF,TAX,HRA,MealA,MedicalA,TransportA,LoanBal,LoanDeb,h,DA; char loan; num+=1; gotoXY(28,4); printf("Insert New Record"); gotoXY(10,6); cout<<"Name : "; //cin.getline(emp[i].name,sizeof(emp[i].name)); cin>>emp[i].name; gotoXY(10,8); cout<<"Code : "; cin>>emp[i].code; gotoXY(10,10); cout<<"Designation : "; cin>>emp[i].designation; gotoXY(10,12); cout<<"Years of Experience : "; cin>>emp[i].exp; gotoXY(10,14); cout<<"Age : "; cin>>emp[i].age; gotoXY(10,16); cout<<"Enter Working Hours : "; cin>>h; sal = h*300; emp[i].workingHours = h; do { gotoXY(10,18); cout<<"Any Loan (Y/N) ?: \b \b"; loan=getche(); if(loan=='Y'|| loan == 'y' || loan =='n' || loan == 'N') break; }while(1); if(loan=='y'|| loan=='Y') { gotoXY(10,20); cout<<"Enter Loan Balance : "; cin>>LoanBal; } else { LoanBal=0; } gotoXY(14,22); cout<<"Recorded Succesfully...!!!"; TAX = 0.04 * sal; DA = 1.20 * sal; PF = 0.12 * sal; HRA = sal * 0.27; MealA = 300; MedicalA = 300; TransportA = 300; LoanDeb = sal * 0.09; if(LoanDeb > LoanBal) { LoanBal = 0; LoanDeb = LoanBal; } emp[i].salary = sal; emp[i].DA = DA; emp[i].tax=TAX; emp[i].PF = PF; emp[i].HRA = HRA; emp[i].MealAllowance = MealA; emp[i].MedicalAllowance = MedicalA; emp[i].TransportAllowance = TransportA; emp[i].LoanBalance = LoanBal-LoanDeb; emp[i].AnyLoan = loan; emp[i].LoanDebit = LoanDeb; emp[i].grosspay = (sal+MealA+MedicalA+TransportA+HRA+DA)-(PF+TAX+LoanDeb) ; getch(); } void intro() { gotoXY(27,4); printf("PAYROLL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM"); gotoXY(25,5); for(int i=0;i<29;i++) printf("%c",196); gotoXY(20,8); printf("Designed and Programmed by:"); gotoXY(20,9);for(int i=0;i<29;i++) printf("%c",196); gotoXY(20,11); printf("V.Poorna Chand"); gotoXY(20,13); printf(""); gotoXY(20,15); printf(""); gotoXY(24,20);printf("Press Any key to continue..."); getch(); } void list() { //system("cls"); borderNoDelay(); gotoXY(20,4); printf(" ******** List of the Employees ********"); gotoXY(6,6); cout<<"Name\tCode\tDesignation\tYears(EXP)\tAge\tSalary "<<endl; gotoXY(6,7); cout<<"------------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl; for(int i=0,j=8;i<=num-1;i++,j++) { gotoXY(6,j); cout<<emp[i].name; gotoXY(19,j); cout<<emp[i].code; gotoXY(26,j); cout<<emp[i].designation; gotoXY(47,j); cout<<emp[i].exp; gotoXY(58,j); cout<<emp[i].age; gotoXY(66,j); cout<<emp[i].grosspay; } getch(); } void loading() { system("cls"); gotoXY(55,20); printf("Loading..."); gotoXY(50,22); for(int i = 0; i<20; i++) { Cdelay(200); printf("%c",254); } } void menu() { //system("cls"); borderNoDelay(); //gotoXY(0,0); //cout<<"Number of Records Avaliable : "<<num; gotoXY(16,4); printf("***** Payroll Management System 1.0 ***** "); gotoXY(12,6); cout<<"Press i ----> Insert New Record."; gotoXY(12,8); cout<<"Press e ----> Edit a Record."; gotoXY(12,10); cout<<"Press d ----> Delete a Record."; gotoXY(12,12); cout<<"Press s ----> Search a Record."; gotoXY(12,14); cout<<"Press l ----> List The Employee Table."; gotoXY(12,16); cout<<"Press p ----> Print Employee PaySlip."; gotoXY(12,18); cout<<"Press q ----> Quit Program."; gotoXY(16,22); cout<<"Select Your Option ====> "; } void deletes() { for(int i=0;i<num;i++) { tempemp[i]=emp[i]; } //system("cls"); borderNoDelay(); int code; int check=-1; gotoXY(28,4); printf("Delete a Record"); gotoXY(10,6); cout<<"Enter the JobCode To Delete That Record :"; cin>>code; int i,j; for(i=0;i<=num-1;i++) { if(emp[i].code==code) { check=i; } } if(check!=-1) { for(i=0,j=0;i<=num-1;i++,j++) { if(i==check) { i++; } emp[j]=tempemp[i]; } num--; } } void search() { //system("cls"); borderNoDelay(); int jobcode; bool found = false; gotoXY(10,4); cout<<"You can Search only through the Jobcode of an Employee"; gotoXY(10,6); cout<<"Enter Code Of the Employee : "; cin>>jobcode; for(int i=0;i<=num-1;i++) { if(emp[i].code==jobcode) { gotoXY(6,8); cout<<"Name\tCode\tDesignation\tYears(EXP)\tAge\tSalary "<<endl; gotoXY(6,9); cout<<"------------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl; gotoXY(6,11); cout<<emp[i].name; gotoXY(19,11); cout<<emp[i].code; gotoXY(26,11); cout<<emp[i].designation; gotoXY(47,11); cout<<emp[i].exp; gotoXY(58,11); cout<<emp[i].age; gotoXY(66,11); cout<<emp[i].grosspay; found = true; } //else // } if(!found) { gotoXY(26,11); cout<<"No records Found...!!!\a"; } getch(); } void editmenu() { //system("cls"); borderNoDelay(); gotoXY(28,4); printf("Edit An Entry"); gotoXY(10,6); cout<<"What Do You Want To edit"; gotoXY(12,8); cout<<"n ---------> Name "; gotoXY(12,9); cout<<"c ---------> Code "; gotoXY(12,10); cout<<"d ---------> Designation"; gotoXY(12,11); cout<<"e ---------> Experience "; gotoXY(12,12); cout<<"a ---------> Age"; gotoXY(12,13); cout<<"s ---------> Salary"; gotoXY(12,14); cout<<"q ---------> QUIT"; gotoXY(10,16); cout<<"Enter Choice ---->>> "; } void editname(int i) { gotoXY(10,18); cout<<"Enter New Name-----> "; cin>>emp[i].name; } void editcode(int i) { gotoXY(10,18); cout<<"Enter New Job Code-----> "; cin>>emp[i].code; } void editdes(int i) { gotoXY(10,18); cout<<"enter new designation-----> "; cin>>emp[i].designation; } void editexp(int i) { gotoXY(10,18); cout<<"Enter new Years of Experience"; cin>>emp[i].exp; } void editage(int i) { gotoXY(10,18); cout<<"Enter new Age "; cin>>emp[i].age; } void editsalary(int i) { int sal,PF,TAX,HRA,MealA,MedicalA,TransportA,LoanBal=emp[i].LoanBalance,LoanDeb,DA; char loan; gotoXY(10,18); cout<<"Enter new Salary "; cin>>sal; DA = 1.20 * sal; TAX = 0.04 * sal; PF = 0.12 * sal; HRA = 4000; MealA = 300; MedicalA = 300; TransportA = 300; LoanDeb = sal * 0.09; if(LoanDeb > LoanBal) { LoanBal = 0; LoanDeb = LoanBal; } emp[i].salary = sal; emp[i].tax=TAX; emp[i].PF = PF; emp[i].HRA = HRA; emp[i].MealAllowance = MealA; emp[i].MedicalAllowance = MedicalA; emp[i].TransportAllowance = TransportA; emp[i].LoanBalance = LoanBal; emp[i].AnyLoan = loan; emp[i].LoanDebit = LoanDeb; emp[i].grosspay = (sal+MealA+MedicalA+TransportA+HRA+DA)-(PF+TAX+LoanDeb) ; } void edit() { //system("cls"); borderNoDelay(); int jobcode; gotoXY(28,4); printf("Edit a Record"); int i; char option; gotoXY(10,6); cout<<"Enter the jobcode To Edit : "; cin>>jobcode; editmenu(); for(i=0;i<=num-1;i++) { if(emp[i].code==jobcode) { while((option=cin.get())!='q') { switch(option) { case 'n': editname(i); break; case 'c': editcode(i); break; case 'd': editdes(i); break; case 'e': editexp(i); break; case 'a': editage(i); break; case 's': editsalary(i); break; } editmenu(); } } } } void displayPayslip() { system("cls"); borderNoDelay(); gotoXY(10,4); int code,i; cout<<"Enter Employee Job Code :"; cin>>code; for(i=0;i<=num-1;i++) { if(emp[i].code==code) { gotoXY(12,6); cout<<"Name : "<<emp[i].name; gotoXY(45,6); cout<<"Working Hours : "<<emp[i].workingHours<<" Hrs"; gotoXY(6,8); cout<<"Earnings :-"; gotoXY(8,10); cout<<"Basic Pay : "<<emp[i].salary<<endl; gotoXY(8,12); cout<<"HRA(27% of Basic): "<<emp[i].HRA<<endl; gotoXY(8,14); cout<<"DA (120% of Basic):"<<emp[i].DA; gotoXY(8,16); cout<<"Meal Allowance : "<<emp[i].MealAllowance<<endl; gotoXY(8,18); cout<<"Medical Alowance : "<<emp[i].MedicalAllowance<<endl; gotoXY(8,20); cout<<"Transport Allowance : "<<emp[i].TransportAllowance<<endl; gotoXY(40,8); cout<<"Deductions :- "<<endl<<endl; gotoXY(42,10); cout<<"PF : "<<emp[i].PF<<endl; gotoXY(42,12); cout<<"Tax : "<<emp[i].tax<<endl; gotoXY(42,14); int l = emp[i].AnyLoan; char l2 = toupper(l); cout<<"Loan Status : "<<l2<<endl; gotoXY(42,16); cout<<"Loan Debit This Month : "<<emp[i].LoanDebit<<endl; gotoXY(42,18); cout<<"Loan Balance : "<<emp[i].LoanBalance<<endl; gotoXY(32,22); cout<<"Total Gross Pay : "<<emp[i].grosspay; } } getch(); } int main() { setWindowSize(); border(); intro(); loading(); loginFrame(); login(); menu(); getrecords(); char option; if(emp[0].code==0 && isFilePresent()) num--; while(1) { option=getch(); switch(option) { case 'l': list(); break; case 'i': insert(); break; case 'd': deletes(); break; case 'e': edit(); break; case 's': search(); break; case 'p': displayPayslip(); break; case 'q': saverecords(); exit(0); } menu(); } return 0; }
username- admin
password – password
Now let us understand the code:-
- We will start by writing the header of the code with the required libraries – stdio.h (standard input/output), iostream (input and output stream), stdlib.h (memory management), iomanip (formatting), string.h (string manipulation), conio.h (console input/output), windows.h, time.h (time management), ctype.h.
- In the code we will define a max constant which will have a value of 50. We will declare a global variable called num and initialize it to 0 value.
- Now we will declare the functions which will be used to provide functionality to this project. The functions are as follows –void gotoXY(int,int);void Cdelay(int);void border(int, int,int, int);void borderNoDelay(int, int,int, int);void loginFrame(int, int, int, int);void intro();void login();void menu();void insert();void edit();void editmenu();void editname(int);void editcode(int);void editdes(int);void editexp(int);void editage(int);void editsalary(int);void list();void deletes();void search();void setWindowSize(int,int);void saverecords();void getrecords();bool isFilePresent();void displayPayslip();
- We will create a class called employee which will hold all the necessary information of an employee. The data members of the class are as follows – name, code, designation, exp, age, salary, AnyLoan, HRA, PF, tax, MealAllowance, TransportAllowance, MedicalAllowance, LoanBalance, LoanDebit, grosspay, workingHours, DA.
- Now defining all the functions :-
- The gotoXY() function will move the cursor/pointer to the specified coordinates on the console interface.
- The Cdelay() function will delay the execution of the program by the specified number of milliseconds.
- The border() function will draw a border along with a delayed effect on the user’s console interface. It will clear the screen first. We will use a for loop for the functionality.
- The borderNoDelay() function will draw a border without any delayed effect on the console interface.
- The loginFrame1() function will draw a login frame along with a delay effect on the console interface.
- The intro() function will display a message present introduction on the user’s console.
- The login() function will ask the user to enter a username and password for login verification.
- The menu() function will display the main menu of the payroll management system.
- The insert() function will allow the user to insert a new employee record inside the system. The user will have to enter details such as name, code designation, years of experience, age working hours.
- The edit() function will allow the user to edit an already existing employee record. The user will enter job code to perform the edit function.
- The editmenu() function will display the edit menu for selecting the attribute to edit in an employee record.
- The editname() function will edit the name of an employee record.
- The editcode() function will edit the code of an employee record.
- The editdes() function will edit the designation of an employee record.
- The editexp() function will edit the years of experience of an employee record.
- The editage() function edit the age of an employee in their record.
- The editsalary() function will edit the salary of an employee record.
- The list() function will display the list of all employee records.
- The deletes() function Deletes an employee record. It will use a for loop. User will have to enter the job code to delete that record.
- The search() function will Searches for an employee record. The user will enter the job code of the employee to perform the search function.
- The setWindowSize() function will Sets the size of the console window.
- The saverecords() will save the employee records to a file. We will use if else control statement and a for loop.
- The getrecords() function will retrieves the employee records from a file. It will open the file and read the content. We will use an if statement and a while loop.
- The isFilePresent() function will Checks if the records file is present.
- The displayPayslip() function will Displays the payslip for an employee.
- The main() function will contain the function calls according to how the program will proceed. It will use switch case statements for the selection among operations given to the user to perform.
- This sums up our project of Payroll Mangement System using C++.
Number List and Operations Project in C++ (With Source Code)
Here is an example to show how this project works.
We have reached the end of this article and have a lot more projects in C++ coming so stay tuned. We have started with awesome and fun projects for you all to understand C++. Learning C++ by creating fun projects makes learning easy and interesting.
Number Guessing Game using C++ (With Source Code)
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