Top 15 HTML and CSS Projects with Source Code

Top 15 HTML and CSS Projects with Source Code

Top 15 HTML and CSS Projects with Source Code

Hello Coder! In this article, we give you Top HTML and CSS Projects with Source Code. In 2-3 years , web development is progressing a lot and there is a lot of scope, that is why today we have for you Top 15 HTML and CSS Projects with Source Code which is completely free, we have explained it well, you can use it. You can improve your skills and create projects, then let’s move into the world of web development.

What is HTML?

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, is a standard markup language for building a webpage basic structure and adding additional component, like a text, photos, tables, forms, and many more.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

HTML Projects With Source Code

It’s usually exciting for beginners to start their first project. However, unclear where to begin. We will help you by providing a list of HTML projects that each beginner should practice while learning the fundamentals of HTML.

1. Survey Form Top 15 HTML and CSS Projects with Source Code

A survey form is a basic HTML project, but this project helps beginners understand all the form creation concepts. Survey Forms are used by almost all industries and companies. Most product-based companies use survey forms to get feedback from customers. The form tag and its attributes are used for creating HTML forms.
Source Code: Click Here

2. Landing Page Top 15 HTML and CSS Projects with Source Code

The term homepage is often used to refer to a landing page. When a visitor accesses a website, the first page that loads Their landing page is the very first thing they see. The website’s description and key links to linked pages can be found on a landing page.
Source Code: Click Here

3. Tribute Page Top 15 HTML and CSS Projects with Source Code

A website dedicated to someone’s memory is called a tribute page. A picture of the individual may be included, and a unique font design may be used to convey their name in large lettering.
Source Code: Click Here

4. Hotel Website Top 15 HTML Projects with Source Code [Beginners Guide]

The hotel booking website using HTML and CSS is another project that helps build a solid foundation on HTML concepts for beginners. The hotel website consists of a home page with a gallery of images about the hotel and the room availability in the hotel.
Source Code: 
Click Here

5. Quiz App html css projects with source code free

A simple Quiz App is a set of questions and their answers and checks for the correctness of the answer given by the user. A quiz app is created using the form tag and the input attribute inside the form tag to create the option for the answer to the question.
Source Code: Click Here

6. Portfolio Website html css projects with source code free

A website used to display one’s work, skills, and expertise is known as a portfolio. Professionals like artists, photographers, writers, designers, developers, and other creatives frequently utilize it to showcase their work and draw in potential clients or jobs.
Source Code: 
Click Here

7. Photo GalleryTop 15 HTML and CSS Projects with Source Code

A photo gallery is a method of adding multiple images to a section of a website. Which helps create an incredible visual experience for the user. The image gallery type of webpage is used on e-commerce websites where we present multiple images of the products.
Source Code: Click Here

8. FAQ PageTop 15 HTML and CSS Projects with Source Code

A FAQ page, or frequently asked questions page, is a section of a webpage where general question about a company is presented to answer customers’ concerns and questions.
Source Code: Click Here

9. Image Sliderhtml-css-project
A collection of images, the image slider is used to display each image one at a time. There are two buttons and an image viewer on the image slider. The back button returns you to the previous page, while the next button advances you to the following image.
Source Code: Click Here

10. Contact FormTop 15 HTML and CSS Projects with Source Code

A contact form is used on every website present on the internet. The contact form is used for connecting clients with companies. The contact form consists of the client’s name,email address, phone number, and address.
Source Code: Click Here

11. Netflix Clone PageTop 15 HTML and CSS Projects with Source Code

It is really difficult to create a Netflix clone, and you need to be very proficient in HTML, CSS, and responsive design techniques. It is simple to create the layout and include the required components. The Netflix clone’s responsiveness is what is challenging. For this, you’ll need to know a lot about JavaScript and CSS media queries.
Source Code: Click Here

12. TODO ListTop 15 HTML and CSS Projects with Source Code

The TODO List software is a particular type of webapp that is frequently used to keep track of our everyday responsibilities or to list everything we must complete Planning our daily schedules with it is beneficial. At any time, we can add new tasks and remove completed ones.
Source Code: Click Here

13. Music PlayerTop 15 HTML and CSS Projects with Source Code

Create a home page for the project that describes the music player and the genres or sorts of music that can be listened to. Additionally, make a separate web page with the music player and buttons for the next track, previous track, pause, and so forth.
Source Code: Click Here

14. Image  CardTop 15 HTML and CSS Projects with Source Code

An image card is a simple project in which the basic HTML tag is used to construct a flexible card structure, and the image and paragraph HTML tags are used to provide the material about the image inside the card.
Source Code: Click Here

15. CalculatorTop 15 HTML and CSS Projects with Source Code

The ideal project for every front-end developer to work on while learning the craft is a calculator. Most HTML fundamentals are made clear in this passage. Learning about lists and algebraic operations is aided by the calculator project.
Source Code: Click Here

Now We have Successfully provided you with the list of projects that every developer should practice while mastering for the frontend You can use this project directly by copying it into your  IDE. We hope you understood the project, If you have any doubts feel free to comment!!

If you find out this Blog helpful, then make sure to search Codewithrandom on google for Front End Projects with Source codes and make sure to Follow the Code with Random Instagram page.

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Follow: CodewithRandom
Author: Arun


What is HTML?

HTML  stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, is a standard markup language for building a webpage basic structure and adding additional component, like a text, photos, tables, forms, and many more


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