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How to Build a Love Calculator Using Python

How to Build a Love Calculator Using Python

Hello coder, welcome to the codewithrandom blog. In this blog, we will learn How to Build a Love Calculator Using Python built-in Tkinter library. The love calculator is a simple program that allows you to calculate the love percentage between two people. The program is built using Python and tkinter, a library that allows you to create graphical user interfaces.

The program is a fun and interactive way to test the compatibility between two people. It can be a great way to entertain your friends and family.

Love Calculator

we’ll go over the steps you need to take to build your own love calculator using Python and tkinter.

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Step 1: Install tkinter library .

First, you’ll need to make sure that you have tkinter installed on your computer. Tkinter is a Python library that allows you to create graphical user interfaces (GUIs). If you don’t already have tkinter installed, you can install it using pip. Here’s the command you need to use:

$ pip install tkinter

Step 2: Import tkinter and create a GUI Window

Once you have tkinter installed, you can import it into your Python code and create a window.

from tkinter import *
# import random module
import random
root = Tk()

step 3 :Defining the container size & Title of the container


root.title('Love Calculator❤️❤️')

step 4 : Create a Function to calculate love percentage between the user and partner

def calculate_love():
    # value will contain digits between 0-9
    st = '0123456789'
    # result will be in double digits
    digit = 2
    temp = "".join(random.sample(st, digit))

# Heading on Top
heading = Label(root, text='Love Calculator????')

step 5 : Create  Slot/input for the first name & Slot/input for the partner name

slot1 = Label(root, text="Enter Your Name:")
name1 = Entry(root, border=5)

slot2 = Label(root, text="Enter Your Curse Name:")
name2 = Entry(root, border=5)

step 6 : Create a Button and place at a particular  location inside the root window . when user press the button, calculate_love function affiliated to that button is executed.  ‘text’ used to define text on button and  height and width defines those properties of button.

bt = Button(root, text="Calculate", height=1,
            width=7, command=calculate_love)

# Text on result slot
result = Label(root, text='Love Percentage between both of You:')

# Starting the GUI

Love Calculator Using Python

Love Calculator

Complete Source Code For the Build a Love Calculator Using Python(copy the code and run )👇👇👇


from tkinter import *
import random
root = Tk()
# Defining the size, width=400, height=240
# Title 
root.title('Love Calculator❤️❤️')

def calculate_love():
    # value will contain digits between 0-9
    st = '0123456789'
    # result will be in double digits
    digit = 2
    temp = "".join(random.sample(st, digit))

# Heading on Top
heading = Label(root, text='Love Calculator????')

# Slot/input for the first name
slot1 = Label(root, text="Enter Your Name:")
name1 = Entry(root, border=5)

# Slot/input for the partner name
slot2 = Label(root, text="Enter Your Curse Name:")
name2 = Entry(root, border=5)

bt = Button(root, text="Calculate", height=1,
            width=7, command=calculate_love)

# Text on result slot
result = Label(root, text='Love Percentage between both of You:')

# Starting the GUI

Output for Love Calculator Using Python 👇👇👇

Love Calculator Using Python


Hurray! You have successfully Build a Love Calculator Using Python. A love calculator using Python and tkinter is a great way to practice your programming skills and create a fun program at the same time. The program is simple to create and can be customized to include additional features and functionalities.

By following these steps, you can create your own love calculator and customize it to suit your needs. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced programmer, building a love calculator is a great project to take on. Hope you enjoyed building with us! Visit our homepage and you get lot’s of projects💝

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