CSS Notifications Examples

33 CSS Notifications Examples

CSS Notifications Examples

Welcome to our Website Codewithrandom.

Today we are talking about CSS notifications Examples ! Are you looking some interesting CSS Notifications Examples ? Then you have come to the right website, here you will find 30+ interesting CSS Notification Examples.

Collection of 25+ CSS notifications. All codes are 100% free and open-source.

Each notification examples in our collection showcases the power of CSS to create eye-catching and interesting designs.

Notifications are play a important roles in user interface and providing important information, alerts, or updates to users.

In this list includes Animated Web Notification, Flash Message, Hop Over Notification Badge.

Read More:- 100 Day , 100 HTML CSS JavaScript Projects

1. Circle notifications

Circle notifications

Code By-Adam Mortka
Demo And DownloadClick Here For The Code
Language UsedHTML, CSS
External Links\ DependenciesNo

The icons shown are all symbolic. For example, the letter picture represents your mail, the picture of your customer, etc. Besides, there will be numbers in the circle next to the number.

2. CSS Animated Web Notification

CSS Animated Web Notification

Code By-Maeve
Demo And DownloadClick Here For The Code
Language UsedHTML, CSS
External Links\ DependenciesNo

You can set this notification as a fixed so that whenever visitors to your website can know about it. It will inform them about the website’s information or some useful tips.

3. CSS only animated popup notification

CSS only animated popup notification

Code By-maane hunden
Demo And DownloadClick Here For The Code
Language UsedHTML, CSS
External Links\ DependenciesNo

Only HTML and CSS and you can create a CSS only animated popup notification for your favorite page.

4. Flash Message (Error/Success)

Flash Message (Error/Success)

Code By-Julie Park
Demo And DownloadClick Here For The Code
Language UsedHTML, CSS(SCSS)
External Links\ DependenciesNo

This amazing notification will mainly inform whether the customer performed successfully or failed. It is designed very funnily and lovely, making viewers happy and satisfied even when an error occurs.

5. Hop Over Notification Badge

Hop Over Notification Badge

Code By-Paul
Demo And DownloadClick Here For The Code
Language UsedHTML, CSS
External Links\ DependenciesYes

This makes viewers easier to see updated notifications and track information more fully. Second, light blue and dark blue are combined to create an eye-catching and striking overall.

6. Notification


Code By-Rosh Jutherford
Demo And DownloadClick Here For The Code
Language UsedHTML, CSS(SCSS)
External Links\ DependenciesNo

It has a unique and lovely appearance which is created by two awesome circles and extraordinary shape. This can make a great impression on your customers. They will find it super eye-catching and attractive.


7. Only CSS Notification alert

Only CSS Notification alert


Code By-Vijaya Kumar Vulchi
Demo And DownloadClick Here For The Code
Language UsedHTML, CSS
External Links\ DependenciesNo

With simple design but extremely delicate and useful, it gives you the love and trust of customers. Notifications will be presented through a meaningful bell icon. When this bell vibrates or swings, they will know that there is a notification.


8. Pulsing Notification


Pulsing Notification

Code By-Derek Wheelden
Demo And DownloadClick Here For The Code
Language UsedHTML, CSS(SCSS)
External Links\ DependenciesNo

This makes it stand out to grab viewers’ attention and encourage them to tap on. In the middle of this circle will be a number representing the number of notifications.

9. Support notifications

33+ CSS Notifications Examples

Code By-Envato Tuts+
Demo And DownloadClick Here For The Code
Language UsedHTML, CSS
External Links\ DependenciesNo

These icons not only look funny, but they also help viewers guess what the message is about. This creates a unique and lovely, make them more like your website.

10. Dismissible Notifications

Support notifications

Code By-Jasper LaChance
Demo And DownloadClick Here For The Code
Language UsedHTML, CSS
External Links\ DependenciesNo

When a viewer carries out something on the website such as ordering, they will display a success message or an error requiring them to try again.

11. Inline Notification

Inline Notification

Code By-Carbon Design System
Demo And DownloadClick Here For The Code
Language UsedHTML, CSS(SCSS)
External Links\ DependenciesYes

The text and the close button will be white to make it easier for the viewer to see. To make this notification unique and attractive, the vendor used interesting icons along a fairly thick line.

12. Visual Composer message boxes

Visual Composer message boxes

Code By-Visual Composer
Demo And DownloadClick Here For The Code
Language UsedHTML, CSS(Less)
External Links\ DependenciesNo

The above code represents Visual Composer message boxes using HTML and CSS (Less).

13. Notifications


Code By-No Mam
Demo And DownloadClick Here For The Code
Language UsedHTML, CSS(SCSS)
External Links\ DependenciesNo

Only HTML and CSS and you can create a Notifications for your favorite page.

14. CSS Notification Boxes

CSS Notification Boxes

Code By-Michael Wales
Demo And DownloadClick Here For The Code
Language UsedHTML, CSS
External Links\ DependenciesNo

The above code represents CSS Notification Boxes using HTML and CSS only.

15. Materialize – Alerts

Materialize - Alerts

Code By-Jay Holtslander
Demo And DownloadClick Here For The Code
Language UsedHTML, CSS(SCSS)
External Links\ DependenciesNo

Only HTML and CSS and you can create a Materialize – Alerts for your favorite page.

16. Notification

CSS Notifications Examples

Code By-Souleste
Demo And DownloadClick Here For The Code
Language UsedHTML, CSS
External Links\ DependenciesYes

The above code represents Notification using HTML and CSS only.

17. Error, Success, Warning and Alert Messages

Error, Success, Warning and Alert Messages

Code By-Swarup Kumar Kuila
Demo And DownloadClick Here For The Code
Language UsedHTML, CSS
External Links\ DependenciesYes

Only HTML and CSS and you can create a Error, Success, Warning and Alert Messages for your favorite page.

18. Notification Animation

Notification Animation

Code By-Simeon Simeonoff
Demo And DownloadClick Here For The Code
Language UsedHTML, CSS
External Links\ DependenciesYes

The above code represents Notification Animation using HTML and CSS only.

19. CSS Notification Boxes

Code By-Michael Wales
Demo And DownloadClick Here For The Code
Language UsedHTML, CSS
External Links\ DependenciesNo

Only HTML and CSS and you can create a CSS Notification Boxes for your favorite page.

20. Envelope, a Pure CSS Icon

Code By-Rafael González
Demo And DownloadClick Here For The Code
Language UsedHTML, CSS(SCSS)
External Links\ DependenciesNo

The above code represents Envelope, a Pure CSS Icon using HTML and CSS only.

21. CSS/LESS notification styles

Code By-Tuomas Pöyry
Demo And DownloadClick Here For The Code
Language UsedHTML, CSS(Less)
External Links\ DependenciesYes

Only HTML and CSS and you can create a CSS/LESS notification styles for your favorite page.

22. New alert messages bootstrap 3 font awesome

Code By-Jaime
Demo And DownloadClick Here For The Code
Language UsedHTML, CSS(SCSS)
External Links\ DependenciesNo

The above code representsNew alert messages bootstrap 3 font awesome using HTML and CSS (SCSS).

23. Pop up social feed notification

Code By-Nooray Yemon
Demo And DownloadClick Here For The Code
Language UsedHTML, CSS
External Links\ DependenciesNo

Only HTML and CSS and you can create a Pop up social feed notification for your favorite page.

24. Mail Notification

Code By-Aaron Iker
Demo And DownloadClick Here For The Code
Language UsedHTML, CSS(SCSS)
External Links\ DependenciesNo

The above code represents Mail Notification using HTML and CSS (SCSS).

25. Notification Bell Icon Layered Shake Animation Effect

Code By-brian1983
Demo And DownloadClick Here For The Code
Language UsedHTML, CSS
External Links\ DependenciesNo

Only HTML and CSS and you can create a Notification Bell Icon Layered Shake Animation Effect for your favorite page.

26. Notification bell animation

Code By-Benjamin Sterling
Demo And DownloadClick Here For The Code
Language UsedHTML, CSS(SCSS)
External Links\ DependenciesNo

The above code represents Notification bell animation using HTML and CSS (SCSS).

27. Notification Badge

Code By-Gokul S
Demo And DownloadClick Here For The Code
Language UsedHTML, CSS
External Links\ DependenciesNo

Only HTML and CSS and you can create a Notification Badge for your favorite page.

28. CSS ONLY closable alerts

Code By-Álvaro
Demo And DownloadClick Here For The Code
Language UsedHTML, CSS
External Links\ DependenciesNo

The above code represents CSS ONLY closable alerts using HTML and CSS only.

29. Modal Popup Alert with only CSS – No Javascript!

Code By-Álvaro
Demo And DownloadClick Here For The Code
Language UsedHTML, CSS
External Links\ DependenciesNo

Only HTML and CSS and you can create a Modal Popup Alert with only CSS – No Javascript! for your favorite page.

30. Components – Form Alerts: Warning

Code By-Álvaro
Demo And DownloadClick Here For The Code
Language UsedHTML, CSS
External Links\ DependenciesYes

The above code represents Components – Form Alerts: Warning using HTML and CSS only.

31. Awesome Bootstrap Alerts

Code By-Álvaro
Demo And DownloadClick Here For The Code
Language UsedHTML, CSS
External Links\ DependenciesYes

Only HTML and CSS and you can create a Awesome Bootstrap Alerts for your favorite page.

32. Toast Messages

Code By-Álvaro
Demo And DownloadClick Here For The Code
Language UsedHTML, CSS
External Links\ DependenciesNo

The above code represents Toast Messages using HTML and CSS only.

33. Components – Full size Toast: Information

Code By-Álvaro
Demo And DownloadClick Here For The Code
Language UsedHTML, CSS
External Links\ DependenciesYes

Only HTML and CSS and you can create a Components – Full size Toast: Information for your favorite page.

In this article, we shared 30+ CSS Notifications Examples with cool and different designs.

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