Games Using ReactJS
In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the process of creating how to build a completely functional Games using ReactJs.This Games will be helpful in your upcoming Interview or personal Portfolio projects. Moreover, it has a modern design where you will get Gradient UI Design. ReactJS is a JavaScript Framework just like Angular and VueJS Frameworks but instead, it is a more popular one. There are endless ways to transform your ideas into reality using React to build classic, 2D, or even 3D games!
100+ JavaScript Projects For Beginners With Source Code
Preview of ReactJS Games

- Basic Knowledge of HTML
- Basic Knowledge of CSS
- Basic Knowledge of Fundamental JavaScript including ReactJS Concepts.
Setting Up the Environment
Before we can start building our Games using ReactJS, we need to set up our environment. We’ll use create-react-app
To create a new application, open your terminal or command prompt and type:-
npx create-react-app ReactGames
This command will create a new folder named `ReactGames` with all the necessary files and dependencies for our React application.
The React template is finally set up and we are ready to build the clone!
Game Built Using Reactjs
In short, ReactJs is a popular and widely used front-end library for developing single-page applications. Since it’s a library, we can install this library to Create React App for developing single page applications. Here are some suggestions from DOM-based games using plain React: see multiplayer Sudoku. 2D canvas games using plain canvas: see React Pixi.
ArcoMage HD Card Game
ArcoMage HD is a web-based, free, and open source, remastered 3D clone of 3DO and New World Computing’s 2000 PC card game Arcomage, which appeared in the Might and Magic RPG game series
Live Preview:- ArcoMage HD

Blackjack React App
- Using TypeScript with React
- Working with and manipulating React array hooks
- Implementing Typescript enums
Live Preview:- Blackjack React App

BetterAim ReactJS Game
BetterAim is an aim game for FPS players. It’s intended to solve one crucial user demand: the ability to customize their experience. Only gamers themselves understand the weakness that need to be trained, so with BetterAim players can change their own game to fit their needs and extract the most productive training to improve.
Live Preview:- BetterAim

EightQueens Chess Using ReactJS
Eight Queens chess game. Can you place 8 queens on the board with none under attack? A web game inspired by the class math puzzle. Built in React with Chessboard.jsx
Welcome to the Eight Queens chess game.
Can you place 8 Queens on the chess board, with none of the queens under attack? A web game inspired by the classic math problem.
Live Preview:- EightQueens

Simple Rock-Paper-Scissors
Simple Rock Paper Scissors Game Made in React Native runs on Android, iOS, Web, MacOS, Windows.
Live preview:- RockPaperSeccisor

15+ Amazing HTML CSS Progress Bars[Demo+Code]
Congratulations, You have completed your Major Reactjs Project and further you can enhance these ReactGames as per your preferences. You can deploy it on the Github, Vercel, or Netfliy platforms and make it live for your friends. Add this to your resume after adding or enhancing more functionality. You can add further functionalities to your websites.
Thanks for reading this article, We will be posting a lot more articles from intermediate to advanced topics in this coming year and we will be unboxing the mystery of web and software engineering in general, from the Backend to the Frontend.
I hope you liked this Tutorial and must have learned Something new. If you have any questions regarding this feel free to drop your comments below and contact our team on Instagram @Codewithrandom.
Happy Coding!!!