Testimonial Slider Codepen
Hello coders, in this blog we will see 20+ testimonials slider website html . If you’re searching testimonials for your website then this post is gonna help you a lot. Testimonial is nothing but a statement from your happy customers or user which adds value to your brand. In this post we’ve added 20+ testimonial slider which will be helpful for your website. Through these testimonials you’ll get a idea that how to make testimonials.
Create Testimonial Slider using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
In this blog you’ll get 20+ testimonials sliders example with source code. All these testimonial sliders are build using HTML, CSS and JS.
1. Responsive Testimonial Carousel
This testimonial carousel is build using HTML , CSS and jQuery. This is responsive testimonial for different screens. Structure of testimonial is created using HTML and then applied CSS for styling. jQuery is used for user interactivity.
2. Circular testimonial carousel slider
This circular testimonial slider is unique and user interactive. This circular testimonial is made using HTML, CSS and JS. Testimonials structure is created using the div tag and then CSS is applied to style the elements. Finally JS is used to provide testimonial functionality and add content to the testimonial. You can use this type of testimonial in your website to make your website interactive.
3. Pure CSS testimonial carousel cards
This testimonial carousel is made using only HTML and CSS. A title, an image, and some text are used to create the testimonial carousel card. Structure of the testimonial carousel is build using HTML. All the necessary HTML tags are used to build structure of the testimonial slider. Later, CSS is used to style and make the testimonial slider interactive. The testimonial slider carousel is made only using HTML and CSS and all the left right transition are made using CSS.
Personal Portfolio Website Using Html,Css and JavaScript
4. Responsive testimonials section using only HTML & CSS
This testimonial section is build using only HTML and CSS. The testimonial section is responsive and it is made responsive using media queries CSS. 3 cards are used in this testimonial section to showcase the reviews by the customers and rating as well. You can made this testimonial section easily.
5. Testimonial card
The testimonial cards are made using HTML, CSS and JS. A testimonial slider in HTML CSS JavaScript typically involves creating a dynamic and interactive component that allows users to view multiple testimonials in a sliding or fading manner. This type of testimonial is easy to made.
Author: LittleSnippets
6. Testimonial slider HTML CSS JS
This testimonial slider is made using only HTML CSS JS. The square shape testimonial cards contain image, text and name with profession. Structure of cards is build using HTML and CSS is applied to style the cards. Styled the carousel’s cards using CSS. Owl carousel is used to make the testimonial carousel interactive.
Author: Anirudh Nadella
7. Testimonial interactive cards
This testimonial card section is made using HTML CSS. Testimonial card contains a background image, some text and name of customer. On the card hover opacity of background images drops down and a border comes around the card. This feature make the testimonial interactive. CSS play a vital role in this section.
Author: LittleSnippets
8.Testimonial Carousel Slider ( Animation )
This animated testimonial carousel slider is build using HTML CSS and JS. HTML is used to create the basic structure of the testimonials. CSS is applied for styling and transition of the cards. JS is used to animate the cards using scrollTo function. Using these 3 technology this testimonial carousel slider is build. This testimonial slider can be a good choice for your website.
Author: noirsociety
9. Responsive testimonials slider using HTML CSS JS
Responsive testimonials slider adds value to your website. The testimonials slider is made using HTML CSS and JS. The testimonials card contain a image, review and name of the user or customer. HTML and CSS are used for creating the styled structure of testimonials slider and JS is used for functionality of the slider. This testimonials slider is good and unique.
10. A simple bootstrap testimonial slider
This testimonial slider is build using HTML CSS and Bootstrap. Bootstrap is a CSS framework which helps user to style web pages. Basic structure is build using HTML and Bootstrap, and then Some CSS is applied for responsiveness of the testimonials slider. Testimonial card contains name and some review text.
Author: Bootstraplily
11. Animated Testimonials
This animated testimonial is build using pure HTML and CSS. Using section tag as main wrapper basic structure of testimonial is build. A heading, paragraph and div tags are used to create basic structure of testimonials. CSS is applied to style the testimonials and give transition properties to testimonials.
12. Owl Carousel Testimonials
This testimonials own carousel is made using HTML, CSS , jQuery and Own carousel. Owl is a JavaScript library that allows users to create responsive and customizable carousels. Owl carousel is a jQuery plugin that can be used to image galleries with thumbnails and carousel sliders. After creating basic structure & styling with HTML and CSS we applied jQuery and owl carousel for slider carousel.

13. Vertical Carousel testimonials slider
This testimonials carousel slider is vertical carousel which gives an unique view to your website. This vertical testimonials carousel slider is made using TweenMax.js. Using HTML basic structure of the website is developed. A div tag is used as a container and in that div tag we’ve created the structure of our testimonials slider. Sass is applied to style our testimonials. Sass is an extension to CSS. Lastly, Using JavaScript we have made our testimonial slider functional.
Author: Danil Goncharenko
14. Testimonials Slider using Owl Carousel
The testimonials slider looks clean and good. This type of clean and good testimonials gives an authentic look to your website. The basic structure is made using HTML and all the links are added in the head tag of the HTML file. After creating the basic structure of the testimonials we’ve added CSS to our testimonials and applied some styling to make our testimonials interactive. Using JS and owl Carousel we completed our testimonial slider.
Author: Bishal Peter Dores
15. Responsive Testimonial Slider
The testimonial is responsive and unique as well. HTML, CSS and JavaScript are used to build this testimonial slider. In the HTML the div tag contains individual testimonials items, each holding testimonial content and author information. The CSS makes sure how each testimonial is displayed and how the transition effects are applied. JS handles the logic for moving from one testimonial to next. Overall it makes an interactive testimonial slider.
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Author: Aashima Jain
16. Responsive Testimonial Slider Using HTML CSS JS
This horizontal scrolling testimonial is made using HTML CSS JS. HTML sets up the basic structure for the slider. A div with class scroll-container contains each testimonials content. CSS controls the visual appearance for the slider. It makes sure that how our slider will look. JavaScript handles the functionality of the slider. JavaScript control the automatic or manual slider of the testimonials. Together all these technologies makes an interactive testimonial slider.
Author : Marius4568
17. Interactive Testimonials Slider
The testimonial slider is build using HTML CSS and JavaScript. The HTML sets up the structure of the testimonial slider. A div tag with class container contains each testimonial of the testimonials slider. Using CSS the testimonial slider is styled. Each Testimonials contains some text and author name. The testimonials are designed well and looks pretty good. JavaScript makes our testimonials functional. A owl carousel library is used for functionality of the JavaScript.
Author: Aashima Jain
18. Elegant Testimonials Slider with Smooth Transitions
The testimonials are build using HTML CSS and jQuery. HTML defines the content and the structure of the testimonials. A section with class testimonials contains all elements and testimonials in our HTML file. CSS styles the slider and ensures that it looks good and moves smoothly. CSS makes sure that the testimonials looks good and interactive. jQuery control the functionality of the testimonials.
Author: Shamim Khan
19. Slick Testimonials Carousel
The testimonials is well designed and looks good. Testimonials contains a picture, Author name and some text. HTML builds the structure of the testimonials. A div tag class testimonial-reel contains whole testimonials slider. This div contains each testimonials. SCSS styles our testimonials slider. It ensures that testimonials looks good and transition works smoothly. JavaScript adds the functionality to change the testimonials.
20. Responsive Testimonials Slider
The testimonials is build using HTML CSS and JavaScript. This testimonials is very unique and interactive. As we know HTML sets up the basic structure of testimonials slider. Section with class testimonial contains all the content of testimonials slider. This section holds each testimonials of the testimonials slider. CSS styles our testimonials slider and makes sure that how our testimonial is displayed. It also controls the responsiveness of the testimonials slider. JavaScript control the functionality of the testimonials slider and ensures that what will happen if user clicks somewhere in testimonials. Together all these makes an unique and good testimonials slider.
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Author: Baky billah
21. Testimonials Slider Using Pure CSS
This testimonials is build using HTML and CSS. In this testimonials Pure HTML and CSS is used . HTML build the basic structure of the testimonial slider. A div class slider contains all the radio buttons and each slider and it’s content. A icon is also added in testimonials slider. CSS styles our testimonials slider. It styles each testimonials and controls when the testimonials will move one to another. All this is made using Pure HTML and CSS.
Wohooo!! , We are at the end of article now, hope you like this 20+ responsive testimonials Sliders. These designs are in the latest trends and themes. If you guys are working on any kind of ecommerce website. Then this article is very helpful for you in understanding about the color schemes and themes .
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