Patient Management System using C++ (With Source Code)
Hello, coders. Welcome to the codewithrandom blog. In this article, we will learn how to create a Patient Management System using C++ (With Source Code).
A Patient Management System using C++ is a console based application for using various design patterns to manage patient requests, tests, prescriptions, and clinic operations.
The system maintains track of the patients’ activities and medication information. The project is primarily concerned with patient visits, the type of medication the patient is taking, and so on.
The project includes a Mutex class, which offers a simple solution for managing mutexes, which are needed in multithreaded systems for synchronisation.
Rock Paper and Scissors Game using C++ (With Source Code)
Overall, the program serves as a framework for developing a Patient Management system simulation, allowing clinics, patients, physicians, and tests to be managed in a simulated environment.
Functionality of the project:
In terms of project functionality, this project allows users to schedule doctor’s appointments. The user must choose the department they want to have the appointment with, such as cardiology, ERT, and many more. The patient can then pick the offered details after selecting the department. This project is also simple to use and understand by the users.
Overview of the UI:
The user will choose an option to perform the operation of their choice. User will then enter a values according to the prompts that will be displayed on the console to perform that operation.
Patient Management System Source Code:
You can directly use this code by copying it in your IDE to understand the working and then can create it by understanding the project.
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <cstdlib> #include <map> #define NUMBER_OF_DRUG_TYPES 4 using namespace std; class Mutex{ //Stub to manage a mutex public: void lock(){cout<<"Mutex acquired the lock"<<endl;} void unlock(){cout<<"Mutex released the lock"<<endl;} }; class drugInfo { //Base class for drug information protected: double dosage; bool sideEffects; string drugName; int drugIndex; public: int getDrugIndex() {return drugIndex;} string getDrugName(){return drugName;} static string indexToName(int index){ if(index == 0){return "DrugA";} if(index == 1){return "DrugB";} if(index == 2){return "DrugC";} if(index == 3){return "DrugD";} } }; class DrugA: public drugInfo { public: DrugA(){ drugIndex=0; drugName="DrugA"; } }; class DrugB: public drugInfo { public: DrugB(){ drugIndex=1; drugName="DrugB"; } }; class DrugC: public drugInfo { public: DrugC(){ drugIndex=2; drugName="DrugC"; } }; class DrugD: public drugInfo { public: DrugD(){ drugIndex=3; drugName="DrugD"; } }; class baseTest { //XRay->radiology , blood->lab protected: string testName; public: string getTestName(){ return testName; } virtual drugInfo* prescribeRelatedDrug()=0; }; class baseBloodTest:public baseTest {}; class cardiologyBloodTest:public baseBloodTest { public: cardiologyBloodTest(){ testName="cardiologyBloodTest"; } drugInfo* prescribeRelatedDrug(){ return new DrugA;} }; class endocrinologyBloodTest:public baseBloodTest { public: endocrinologyBloodTest() { testName=("endocrinologyBloodTest"); } drugInfo* prescribeRelatedDrug(){ return new DrugB;} }; class baseRadiologicalTest:public baseTest {}; class cardiologyEKGTest:public baseRadiologicalTest { public: cardiologyEKGTest(){testName="EKG";} drugInfo* prescribeRelatedDrug(){ return new DrugC;} }; class orthopedicsXRayTest:public baseRadiologicalTest { public: orthopedicsXRayTest(){testName="X-RAY";} drugInfo* prescribeRelatedDrug(){ return new DrugD;} }; class baseInsurance {}; class governmentInsurance:public baseInsurance {}; class otherInsurance:public baseInsurance {}; class demographicInfo { private: string email; string telephoneNum; public: void setInfo(string setEmail, string setTelephoneNum){ email=setEmail; telephoneNum=setTelephoneNum; } const string getEmail() { return email; } }; class patient { private: string name; demographicInfo* patientDemographicInfo; baseInsurance* patientInsurance; vector<baseTest*>* testsHaveDone; vector<drugInfo*> drugInformationsPatientHolds; public: patient(){} ~patient(){ delete patientInsurance; delete patientDemographicInfo; delete testsHaveDone; } patient(string Name="NoName", demographicInfo* Info=NULL, baseInsurance* insurance=NULL,vector<baseTest*>* Tests=NULL){ name=Name; patientDemographicInfo=Info; patientInsurance=insurance; testsHaveDone=Tests; } vector<baseTest*>* getTestsHaveDone() {return testsHaveDone;} const string getEmail() {return patientDemographicInfo->getEmail();} const string getName(){return name;} vector<drugInfo *>* getDrugsPatientHolds(){return &drugInformationsPatientHolds;} void addDrugInfo(drugInfo* added){drugInformationsPatientHolds.push_back(added);} void Update(int drugIndex){cout<<name<<" has been informed about "<<drugInfo::indexToName(drugIndex)<<endl;} }; class baseTestRequest { protected: string testType; string testName; public: virtual baseTest* requestTest()=0; string getType(){ return testType;} string getTestName(){ return testName;} }; class EKGrequest:public baseTestRequest { public: EKGrequest(){testType="radiological";testName="EKG";} baseTest* requestTest(){ return new cardiologyEKGTest;} }; class XRAYrequest:public baseTestRequest { public: XRAYrequest(){testType="radiological";testName="X-RAY";} baseTest* requestTest(){ return new orthopedicsXRayTest;} }; class endocrinologyBloodTestRequest:public baseTestRequest { public: endocrinologyBloodTestRequest(){testType="blood";testName="endocrinologyBloodTest";} baseTest* requestTest(){ return new endocrinologyBloodTest;} }; class cardiologyBloodTestRequest:public baseTestRequest { public: cardiologyBloodTestRequest(){testType="blood";testName="cardiologyBloodTest";} baseTest* requestTest(){ return new cardiologyBloodTest;} }; class doctor { protected: drugInfo* prescribedDrug; virtual bool doctorIsAllowed(baseTest* test)=0; public: virtual void prescribe(baseTest* test) { if(doctorIsAllowed(test)){ prescribedDrug=test->prescribeRelatedDrug(); cout<<"Doctor decided to prescribe "<<prescribedDrug->getDrugName()<<endl; } } drugInfo *getPrescribedDrug() { return prescribedDrug; } }; class endocrinologist:public doctor { bool doctorIsAllowed(baseTest* test){ return test->getTestName()=="endocrinologyBloodTest";} }; class orthopedist:public doctor { bool doctorIsAllowed(baseTest* test){ return test->getTestName()=="X-RAY";} }; class cardiologist:public doctor { bool doctorIsAllowed(baseTest* test){ return test->getTestName()=="cardiologyBloodTest"||test->getTestName()=="EKG";} }; class baseClinic { //Clinic==Department protected: string clinicName; doctor* assignedDoctor; vector<baseTestRequest*> requiredTests; public: baseClinic(){} ~baseClinic(){ delete assignedDoctor;} void assignDoctor(doctor* doctor){assignedDoctor=doctor;} string getClinicName() { return clinicName; } virtual vector<baseTestRequest*>* getRequiredTests(){ return &requiredTests;} doctor* getAssignedDoctor() {return assignedDoctor;} }; class cardiologyClinic:public baseClinic { public: cardiologyClinic(){ clinicName="cardiology"; requiredTests.push_back(new EKGrequest); requiredTests.push_back(new cardiologyBloodTestRequest); } }; class orthopedicsClinic:public baseClinic { public: orthopedicsClinic(){ clinicName="orthopedics"; requiredTests.push_back(new XRAYrequest); } }; class endocrinologyClinic:public baseClinic { public: endocrinologyClinic(){ clinicName="endocrinology"; requiredTests.push_back(new endocrinologyBloodTestRequest); } }; class baseTestDepartment {//Client of Factory Pattern protected: string expectedTestType; baseTest* testResult; public: virtual void createTest(baseTestRequest* request){ if(request->getType()==expectedTestType){//Template method testResult=request->requestTest(); cout<<"A new "<<request->getTestName()<<" test has been done"<<endl; } } string &getExpectedTestType(){return expectedTestType;} baseTest* getTestResult(){return testResult;} }; //Singleton Class class radiologyDepartment : public baseTestDepartment { private: radiologyDepartment(){ expectedTestType="radiological";} radiologyDepartment(const radiologyDepartment&); radiologyDepartment& operator=(const radiologyDepartment&); static radiologyDepartment *instance; static Mutex mutex;//symbolic mutex public: static radiologyDepartment *GetInstance(){ if(instance == NULL){ mutex.lock(); if(instance == NULL){ instance = new radiologyDepartment(); } mutex.unlock(); } return instance; } }; Mutex radiologyDepartment::mutex; radiologyDepartment* radiologyDepartment::instance = NULL; class labDepartment:public baseTestDepartment { public: labDepartment(){expectedTestType="blood";} }; class secretaryCommand {//Command of Command Pattern protected: baseClinic* clinic; static radiologyDepartment* radiology; static vector<labDepartment*>* labDepartments; patient* requestingPatient; public: secretaryCommand(){} secretaryCommand(baseClinic* givenClinic, patient* givenPatient) { clinic=givenClinic; requestingPatient=givenPatient; } ~secretaryCommand() { } virtual void execute()=0; virtual string getCommandName()=0; static void initializeTestDepartments(radiologyDepartment* rad, vector<labDepartment*>* labs) { radiology=rad; labDepartments=labs; } }; radiologyDepartment* secretaryCommand::radiology=NULL; vector<labDepartment*>* secretaryCommand::labDepartments=NULL; class askForClinics:public secretaryCommand { public: askForClinics(baseClinic *pClinic, patient *pPatient) : secretaryCommand(pClinic, pPatient) { } void execute() { cout<<requestingPatient->getName()<<" asked for clinic locations:"<<endl; if(clinic->getClinicName() != "radiology") cout<<"Radiology Clinic is located in:"<<endl;//a location will made up for each if(clinic->getClinicName() != "lab") cout<<"Lab Clinic is located in:"<<endl; if(clinic->getClinicName() != "cardiology") cout<<"Cardiology Clinic is located in:"<<endl; if(clinic->getClinicName() != "orthopedics") cout<<"Orthopedics Clinic is located in:"<<endl; if(clinic->getClinicName() != "endocrinology") cout<<"Endocrinology Clinic is located in:"<<endl; } string getCommandName(){return "askForClinics";} }; class askForAnAppointment:public secretaryCommand { public: askForAnAppointment(baseClinic *pClinic, patient *pPatient) : secretaryCommand(pClinic, pPatient) {} void execute(){ cout<<"An appointment is made in "<<clinic->getClinicName()<<" clinic for "<<requestingPatient->getName()<<endl; } string getCommandName(){return "askForAppointment";} }; class seeDoctor:public secretaryCommand { public: seeDoctor(baseClinic *pClinic, patient *pPatient) : secretaryCommand(pClinic, pPatient) {} void execute(){ cout<<"Doctor in "<<clinic->getClinicName()<<" clinic is ready to see "<<requestingPatient->getName()<<endl; vector<baseTest*>* testsOfPatient=requestingPatient->getTestsHaveDone(); for(int i=0;i<testsOfPatient->size();i++) { clinic->getAssignedDoctor()->prescribe(testsOfPatient->at(i)); drugInfo* drugInfoToAdd=clinic->getAssignedDoctor()->getPrescribedDrug(); requestingPatient->addDrugInfo(drugInfoToAdd); cout<<"Patient received the drug."<<endl; } } string getCommandName(){return "seeDoctor";} }; class checkTests:public secretaryCommand { public: checkTests(baseClinic *pClinic, patient *pPatient) : secretaryCommand(pClinic, pPatient) {} void execute(){ vector<baseTest*>* currentTests=requestingPatient->getTestsHaveDone(); vector<baseTestRequest*>* requiredTestsOfClinic=clinic->getRequiredTests(); cout<<"Secretary in "<<clinic->getClinicName()<<" clinic started to check tests for "<<requestingPatient->getName()<<endl; for(int i=0;i<requiredTestsOfClinic->size();i++) { cout<<clinic->getClinicName()<<" clinic require "<<requiredTestsOfClinic->at(i)->getTestName()<<" test."<<endl; bool testFound=false; for(int j=0;j<currentTests->size();j++) { if(requiredTestsOfClinic->at(i)->getTestName()==currentTests->at(j)->getTestName()) { testFound=true; cout<<requestingPatient->getName()<<" has done "<<requiredTestsOfClinic->at(i)->getTestName()<<" test before."<<endl; break; } } if(!testFound) { cout<<requestingPatient->getName()<<" haven't done "<<requiredTestsOfClinic->at(i)->getTestName()<<" test before."<<endl; baseTestDepartment* departmentToTestWith; if(requiredTestsOfClinic->at(i)->getType()=="radiological") { departmentToTestWith=radiology; } else if(requiredTestsOfClinic->at(i)->getType()=="blood") { departmentToTestWith=labDepartments->at(0);//Normally it can be any other lab department. But there is no need to increase complexity. } cout<<departmentToTestWith->getExpectedTestType()<<" test is about to be done"<<endl; departmentToTestWith->createTest(requiredTestsOfClinic->at(i)); currentTests->push_back(departmentToTestWith->getTestResult()); cout<<"Patient successfully received the test result."<<endl; } } } string getCommandName(){return "checkTests";} }; class secretary {//Invoker of Command Pattern private: vector<secretaryCommand*> previousCommandsByCurrentPatient; patient* currentPatient; baseClinic* assignedClinic; public: secretary(baseClinic* Clinic) { assignedClinic=Clinic; } ~secretary() { previousCommandsByCurrentPatient.erase(previousCommandsByCurrentPatient.begin(),previousCommandsByCurrentPatient.end()); } void acceptNewPatient(patient* newPatient) { currentPatient=newPatient; cout<<"Secretary from "<<assignedClinic->getClinicName()<<" clinic accepted "<<currentPatient->getName()<<" to hear his requests"<<endl; previousCommandsByCurrentPatient.erase(previousCommandsByCurrentPatient.begin(),previousCommandsByCurrentPatient.end()); } void acceptRequest(secretaryCommand* newCommand) { if(newCommand->getCommandName()=="seeDoctor") { bool testsHaveBeenChecked=false; for(int i=0;i<previousCommandsByCurrentPatient.size();i++) { if(previousCommandsByCurrentPatient[i]->getCommandName()=="checkTests") { testsHaveBeenChecked=true; break; } } if(!testsHaveBeenChecked) { cout<<currentPatient->getName()<<" requested to see the doctor from "<<assignedClinic->getClinicName()<<". However patient's tests haven't been checked before. "<<endl; secretaryCommand* checkFromSecretary=new checkTests(assignedClinic,currentPatient); checkFromSecretary->execute(); previousCommandsByCurrentPatient.push_back(checkFromSecretary); } } newCommand->execute(); previousCommandsByCurrentPatient.push_back(newCommand); } baseClinic *getAssignedClinic() const { return assignedClinic; } }; class drugRecord { //Observer private: vector<patient*> drugOwners[NUMBER_OF_DRUG_TYPES];//vector of patients for 4 different drugs map<int, string> nameForIndex; public: ~drugRecord(){}; drugRecord(){ nameForIndex.insert(make_pair(0,"DrugA")); nameForIndex.insert(make_pair(1,"DrugB")); nameForIndex.insert(make_pair(2,"DrugC")); nameForIndex.insert(make_pair(3,"DrugD")); }; void addPatientToRecord(patient* patientToAdd) { //'Attach' from observer pattern vector<drugInfo*>* drugsOfPatient = patientToAdd->getDrugsPatientHolds(); for(int i=0;i<drugsOfPatient->size();i++) { drugOwners[drugsOfPatient->at(i)->getDrugIndex()].push_back(patientToAdd); } } void releasePatientFromRecord(patient* patientToLeave){ //'Detach' from observer pattern vector<drugInfo*>* drugsOfPatient=patientToLeave->getDrugsPatientHolds(); for(int i=0;i<drugsOfPatient->size();i++) { for (unsigned int i = 0;i < drugOwners[drugsOfPatient->at(i)->getDrugIndex()].size() ; i++) { if(drugOwners[drugsOfPatient->at(i)->getDrugIndex()][i]->getEmail() == patientToLeave->getEmail()){ drugOwners[drugsOfPatient->at(i)->getDrugIndex()].erase(drugOwners[drugsOfPatient->at(i)->getDrugIndex()].begin()+i); return; } } } } void informAllPatients(int whichDrug) { //inform all drug owners about side effects 'Update' function for(int i=0;i<drugOwners[whichDrug].size();i++){ drugOwners->at(i)->Update(whichDrug); } } }; int main() { radiologyDepartment* radiology=radiologyDepartment::GetInstance(); vector<labDepartment*> labs; labs.push_back(new labDepartment); secretaryCommand::initializeTestDepartments(radiology,&labs); baseClinic* endo = new endocrinologyClinic; baseClinic* card = new cardiologyClinic; baseClinic* orth = new orthopedicsClinic; endo->assignDoctor(new endocrinologist); card->assignDoctor(new cardiologist); orth->assignDoctor(new orthopedist); secretary endoSecretary(endo); secretary cardSecretary(card); secretary orthSecretary(orth); drugRecord record; bool endLoop=false; while(!endLoop) { while(true) { string result=""; cout<<"Please enter number of the option:"<<endl; cout<<"1) New patient"<<endl; cout<<"2) Warn patients for a drug."<<endl; cout<<"3) Exit"<<endl; cin>>result; if(result=="1") { break; } else if(result=="2") { //call inform all patients of drugInfo from here. Make sure to ask which drug to inform about from user, like I asked what to do above.. while(true){ string result=""; cout<<"Please enter the ID of the drug that you want to be informed:"<<endl; cout<<"For drugA press 0"<<endl; cout<<"For drugB press 1"<<endl; cout<<"For drugC press 2"<<endl; cout<<"For drugD press 3"<<endl; cout<<"Press - to exit."<<endl; cin>>result; if(result == "0"){ record.informAllPatients(0); } else if(result == "1"){ record.informAllPatients(1); } else if(result == "2"){ record.informAllPatients(2); } else if(result == "3"){ record.informAllPatients(3); } else if(result == "-"){ endLoop= true; break; } } } else if(result=="3") { endLoop=true; break; } } if(!endLoop) { //patient demographics... will be asked and created here. patient* Patient=new patient("Kerimcan",new demographicInfo,new baseInsurance,new vector<baseTest*>); secretary* secretaryForClinic; while (true) { string result; cout<<"Choose which clinic to go:"<<endl; cout<<"1)Endocrinology Clinic"<<endl; cout<<"2)Orthopedics Clinic"<<endl; cout<<"3)Cardiology Clinic"<<endl; cin>>result; if(result=="1") secretaryForClinic=&endoSecretary; else if(result=="2") secretaryForClinic=&orthSecretary; else if(result=="3") secretaryForClinic=&cardSecretary; else { cout<<"Wrong input."<<endl; continue; } secretaryForClinic->acceptNewPatient(Patient); break; } while (true) { string result; cout<<"Choose what do you want secretary to do:"<<endl; cout<<"1)Check patient's tests"<<endl; cout<<"2)Ask for directions of other clinics."<<endl; cout<<"3)Ask for appointment"<<endl; cout<<"4)See the doctor."<<endl; cout<<"5)Patient wants to leave."<<endl; cin>>result; if(result=="5") { cout<<"Patient leaves the clinic."; break; } else if (result=="1") { secretaryCommand* checkTestCommand = new checkTests(secretaryForClinic->getAssignedClinic(),Patient); secretaryForClinic->acceptRequest(checkTestCommand); continue; } else if(result=="2") { secretaryCommand* directionsCommand = new askForClinics(secretaryForClinic->getAssignedClinic(),Patient); secretaryForClinic->acceptRequest(directionsCommand); continue; } else if(result=="3") { secretaryCommand* appointmentCommand = new askForAnAppointment(secretaryForClinic->getAssignedClinic(),Patient); secretaryForClinic->acceptRequest(appointmentCommand); continue; } else if(result=="4") { secretaryCommand* doctorCommand = new seeDoctor(secretaryForClinic->getAssignedClinic(),Patient); secretaryForClinic->acceptRequest(doctorCommand); continue; } else { cout<<"Wrong input"<<endl; continue; } } record.addPatientToRecord(Patient); } } return 0; }
Now let us understand the code:-
- We will start by writing the header of the code with the required libraries – iostream (input and output stream), vector (For dynamic arrays), string (string manipulation), cstdlib (memory management) and map (Maps are associative containers that store elements in a mapped fashion).
- We will be defining a constant called NUMBER_OF_DRUG_TYPES.
- Now creating a class called Mutex which is a stub used to manage a mutex. It will provide functions to acquire and release the lock. Creating public member functions inside the class – lock() and unlock() for mutex acquiring and releasing the lock respectively.
- We will create a class called drugInfo which will contain information about the drugs in this system. We will declare protected member functions – dosage, sideEffects, drugName, drugIndex. The public member functions are – getDrugIndex(), getDrugName(), indexToName(int index) – will return the drug names for the corresponding values of the index.
- Now we will create 4 classes to contain the information for the 4 types of drugs in the system. These classes will be inherited from the base class ‘drugInfo’. The public member will be the constructors for each class. For example – for class drugA, we will create a constructor and define it by assigning it to index value 0 and drug name as “DrugA”. Similarly we will create classes and define constructors for other drugs – B, C, D as well with index number 1, 2, 3 respectively.
- Create another class called baseTest to for represent different sorts of testing. It will have a property for the test name and a pure virtual function prescribeRelatedDrug() that may be used to prescribe a related drug depending on the test. It also includes a function for obtaining the test name. The class baseBloodTest will be dervided from baseTest class,
- Now we will create classes cardiologyBloodTest and endocrinologyBloodTest as derived classes from baseBloodTest. These classes describe various blood tests and implement the prescribeRelatedDrug() method.
- We will define classes cardiologyEKGTest and orthopedicsXRayTest as derived classes from baseRadiologicalTest. These classes describe various radiological tests and implement the prescribeRelatedDrug() method.
- To represent multiple forms of insurance, the code creates basic classes baseInsurance and derived classes governmentInsurance and otherInsurance.
- We will create a class called demographicInfo which will be for storing patient demographic information such as email and phone number. It will contain members such as email and telephone number. A public member function called setInfo() which will set email and telephone number. The getEmail() function will return the email.
- In order to represent a patient, we will create a class called patient. It contains attributes such as the patient’s name, demographic information, insurance, a vector of tests performed, and a vector of prescription information. It has functionality for getting the tests done, email, name, and medications stored. It also has options for adding drug information and updating the patient on a medicine.
- Now to represent multiple sorts of test requests, we will be creating base classes baseTestRequest and derived classes EKGrequest, XRAYrequest, endocrinologyBloodTestRequest, and cardiologyBloodTestRequest. These classes provide attributes for the test type and name, as well as a method for requesting a test.
- For the representation of multiple sorts of doctors, we will create the base class doctor and derived classes endocrinologist, orthopedist, and cardiologist. These classes include a check to see if the doctor is authorised to perform a certain test and a function to prescribe a medicine depending on the test results.
- For the representation of multiple sorts of clinics, we will be defining base class baseClinic and derived classes cardiologyClinic, orthopedicsClinic, and endocrinologyClinic. These classes provide attributes for the clinic name, a doctor attached to it, and a vector of mandatory tests. It has functionalities for obtaining the clinic’s name and the necessary tests.
- For the representation of distinct test departments, we will be creating the base class baseTestDepartment and the derived classes radiologyDepartment and labDepartment. These classes provide attributes for the intended test type and the expected test outcome. They offer the ability to generate a test based on a test request.
- Now we will define Base test department classes (baseTestDepartment) and particular department classes (radiologyDepartment, labDepartment). To construct a specific test, each department class specifies the anticipated test type and implements the createTest() function.
- We will create a secretaryCommand class as the command in the Command Pattern. It illustrates several actions that a secretary can carry out. askForClinics, askForAppointment, seeDoctor, and checkTests are all derived classes.
- Now defining a secretary class as the invoker in the Command Pattern. It receives patient requests and then performs the appropriate commands.
- Defining a drugRecord class as the observer in the Observer Pattern. It maintains track of patients connected with various medication classes.
- The main() function in the code produces instances of clinics, patients, and secretary instructions. It shows the interaction between patients, clinics, and the secretaries.
- This sums up our project of patient management system in C++.
Build a Hangman Game in C++(Source Code)
Final Output:-
Here is an example to show how this project works.
Video Output:
We have reached the end of this article and have a lot more projects in C++ coming so stay tuned. We have started with awesome and fun projects for you all to understand C++. Learning C++ by creating fun projects makes learning easy and interesting.
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Happy Reading! 🙂
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